This User Defined Function (UDF) is used to transform or cast the Julian date format to a Gregorian date format. Julian dates can be received in three different formats such as JD Edwards World, astronomy or ordinary format.
It returns a string with the Gregorian date format YYYY-MM-DD.
JulianDate: The Julian date to be cast. It can be either CYYDDD (where C is the century) or YYYYDDD.
formatSelected: It represents the format in which the Julian date should be processed. Besides, it is a CHAR and can accept the following formats:
CREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONPUBLIC.JULIAN_TO_GREGORIAN_DATE_UDF(JULIAN_DATE CHAR(7), FORMAT_SELECTED CHAR(1))RETURNS variantLANGUAGE JAVASCRIPTCOMMENT ='{"origin":"sf_sc","name":"snowconvert","version":{"major":1, "minor":0},"attributes":{"component":"udf"}}'AS$$ const CONST_FOR_MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE =0.5; const BEGINNING_OF_GREG_CALENTAR =2299161; const CONST_AFTER_GREG_VALUE =1867216.25; const DIVIDENT_TO_GET_CENTURY =36524.25; const LEAP_YEAR_CONSTANT =4; const CONST_TO_GET_DAY_OF_MONTH =30.6001;//Functions definitionsfunction julianToGregorian(julianDate){ const JD = julianDate + CONST_FOR_MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE; //setting modified julian date const Z = Math.floor(JD); //setting fractional part of julian day const F = JD - Z; //fractional part of the julian date let A, alpha, B, C, D, E, year, month, day;//verification for the beginning of gregorian calendarif(Z < BEGINNING_OF_GREG_CALENTAR){ A=Z; } else {//alpha isfor dates after the beginning of gregorian calendar alpha = Math.floor((Z-CONST_AFTER_GREG_VALUE) / DIVIDENT_TO_GET_CENTURY); A=Z+1+alpha - Math.floor(alpha/LEAP_YEAR_CONSTANT); } B = A +1524; C = Math.floor((B-122.1)/365.25); D = Math.floor(365.25*C); E = Math.floor((B-D)/CONST_TO_GET_DAY_OF_MONTH);day= Math.floor(B-D-Math.floor(CONST_TO_GET_DAY_OF_MONTH*E)+F);month=(E<14)? E -1: E-13;year=(month>2)? C-4716: C-4715;return new Date(year, month-1, day); }function cyydddToGregorian(julianDate){ var c=Math.floor(julianDate/1000); var yy=(c<80)? c+2000: c+1900; var ddd=julianDate%1000; var date= new Date(yy, 0);date.setDate(ddd);returndate; }function ordinalDate(ordinalDate){ const year= parseInt(ordinalDate.toString().substring(0,4)); const dayOfYear = parseInt(ordinalDate.toString().substring(4)); const date= new Date(year, 0); //Setdateto the firstday of yeardate.setDate(dayOfYear);returndate;}function formatDate(toFormatDate){ toFormatDate = toFormatDate.toDateString(); let year= toFormatDate.split(" ")[3]; let month= toFormatDate.split(" ")[1]; let day= toFormatDate.split(" ")[2];return new Date(month+day+", "+ Math.abs(year)).toISOString().split('T')[0]} switch(FORMAT_SELECTED){case'E': //JD Edwards World formar, century added - CYYDDD var result = formatDate(cyydddToGregorian(parseInt(JULIAN_DATE)));return result;break; case'J'://astronomical format YYYYDDDreturn formatDate(julianToGregorian(parseInt(JULIAN_DATE)));break;case'R'://ordinal date format YYYYDDDreturn formatDate(ordinalDate(parseInt(JULIAN_DATE)));break;default: returnnull; }$$;