This User Defined Function (UDF) is used to transform or cast the Julian date format to a Gregorian date format. Julian dates can be received in three different formats such as JD Edwards World, astronomy or ordinary format.
It returns a string with the Gregorian date format YYYY-MM-DD.
JulianDate: The Julian date to be cast. It can be either CYYDDD (where C is the century) or YYYYDDD.
formatSelected: It represents the format in which the Julian date should be processed. Besides, it is a CHAR and can accept the following formats:
Format available
Letter representation in CHAR
Astronomy standardized
It is the default format. The cast is based in the expected conversion of the Astronomical Applications Department of the US. The Julian Date format for this is YYYYDDD.
JD Edwards World
The expected Julian date to be received in this case should be CYYDDD (where C represents the century and is operationalized to be added 19 to the corresponding number).
Ordinal dates
The ordinal dates are an arrangement of numbers which represent a concisely date. The format is YYYYDDD and can be easily read because the year part is not mutable.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PUBLIC.JULIAN_TO_GREGORIAN_DATE_UDF(JULIAN_DATE CHAR(7), FORMAT_SELECTED CHAR(1))RETURNS variantLANGUAGE JAVASCRIPTCOMMENT ='{"origin":"sf_sc","name":"snowconvert","version":{"major":1, "minor":0},"attributes":{"component":"udf"}}'AS$$ const CONST_FOR_MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE =0.5; const BEGINNING_OF_GREG_CALENTAR =2299161; const CONST_AFTER_GREG_VALUE =1867216.25; const DIVIDENT_TO_GET_CENTURY =36524.25; const LEAP_YEAR_CONSTANT =4; const CONST_TO_GET_DAY_OF_MONTH =30.6001;//Functions definitionsfunction julianToGregorian(julianDate){ const JD = julianDate + CONST_FOR_MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE; //setting modified julian date const Z = Math.floor(JD); //setting fractional part of julian day const F = JD - Z; //fractional part of the julian date let A, alpha, B, C, D, E, year, month, day;//verification for the beginning of gregorian calendarif(Z < BEGINNING_OF_GREG_CALENTAR){ A=Z; } else {//alpha isfor dates after the beginning of gregorian calendar alpha = Math.floor((Z-CONST_AFTER_GREG_VALUE) / DIVIDENT_TO_GET_CENTURY); A=Z+1+alpha - Math.floor(alpha/LEAP_YEAR_CONSTANT); } B = A +1524; C = Math.floor((B-122.1)/365.25); D = Math.floor(365.25*C); E = Math.floor((B-D)/CONST_TO_GET_DAY_OF_MONTH);day= Math.floor(B-D-Math.floor(CONST_TO_GET_DAY_OF_MONTH*E)+F);month=(E<14)? E -1: E-13;year=(month>2)? C-4716: C-4715;return new Date(year, month-1, day); }function cyydddToGregorian(julianDate){ var c=Math.floor(julianDate/1000); var yy=(c<80)? c+2000: c+1900; var ddd=julianDate%1000; var date= new Date(yy, 0);date.setDate(ddd);returndate; }function ordinalDate(ordinalDate){ const year= parseInt(ordinalDate.toString().substring(0,4)); const dayOfYear = parseInt(ordinalDate.toString().substring(4)); const date= new Date(year, 0); //Setdateto the firstday of yeardate.setDate(dayOfYear);returndate;}function formatDate(toFormatDate){ toFormatDate = toFormatDate.toDateString(); let year= toFormatDate.split(" ")[3]; let month= toFormatDate.split(" ")[1]; let day= toFormatDate.split(" ")[2];return new Date(month+day+", "+ Math.abs(year)).toISOString().split('T')[0]} switch(FORMAT_SELECTED){case'E': //JD Edwards World formar, century added - CYYDDD var result = formatDate(cyydddToGregorian(parseInt(JULIAN_DATE)));return result;break; case'J'://astronomical format YYYYDDDreturn formatDate(julianToGregorian(parseInt(JULIAN_DATE)));break;case'R'://ordinal date format YYYYDDDreturn formatDate(ordinalDate(parseInt(JULIAN_DATE)));break;default: returnnull; }$$;
Usage Example
IN -> Oracle_01.sql
selectto_date('2020001', 'J') from dual;
TO_DATE('2020001', 'J')
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('2020001', 'J'), 'YYYY-MON-DD')
Note: The date must be formatted in order to visualize all digits of the year.