Translation reference to convert SQL Server IF..ELSE clauses to Snowflake Scripting
The IF clause allows an SQL statement or a block of statements to be conditionally executed as long as the Boolean expression is true; otherwise, the statements in the optional ELSE clause will be executed. SQL Server also supports embedding multiple IF... ELSE clauses in case multiple conditions are required, or the CASE clause can also be used.
For more information for SQL Server IF...ELSE, check here.
Note: To define a statement block, use the control-of-flow keywords BEGIN and END.
Sample Source Patterns
SQL Server
The following code refers to an IF... ELSE in SQL Server that conditions the variable @value to identify if it is less than 5, if it is between 5 and 10, or if it has any other value. Since @value is initialized as 7, the second condition must be true and the result must be 200.
IN -> SqlServer_01.sql
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE IfElseDemoProcedureAS DECLARE @value INT; SET @value =7; IF @value <5 SET @value =100; ELSE IF @value >=5 AND @value <10 BEGIN SET @value =300; SET @value = @value -100; END; ELSE SET @value =-1; RETURN @valueGODECLARE @result INT;EXEC @result = IfElseDemoProcedure;PRINT @result;
|result||------||200 |
Snowflake Scripting
Notice that in Snowflake Scripting, the embedded IF... ELSE condition is called ELSEIF.
Besides, the Boolean condition is encapsulated in parentheses and the clause always ends with the END IF expression.
In addition, in Snowflake Scripting it is not necessary to use the BEGIN and END keywords to define a statement block, however it can be used if required.
OUT -> SqlServer_01.sql
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE IfElseDemoProcedure ()RETURNS VARCHARLANGUAGE SQLCOMMENT ='{"origin":"sf_sc","name":"snowconvert","version":{"major":1, "minor":0},{"attributes":{"component":"transact"}}'EXECUTE AS CALLERAS$$ DECLARE VALUE INT; BEGIN VALUE :=7; IF (:VALUE <5) THEN VALUE :=100; ELSEIF (:VALUE >=5 AND :VALUE <10) THEN BEGIN VALUE :=300; VALUE := :VALUE -100; END; ELSE VALUE :=-1; END IF; RETURN :VALUE; END;$$;DECLARE RESULT INT;BEGIN CALL IfElseDemoProcedure(); !!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0073 - PENDING FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE REVIEW FOR 'Print' NODE ***/!!! PRINT @result;END;
|200 |
IF statement outside routines (functions and procedures)
Unlike SQL Server, Snowflake does not support executing isolated statements like IF...ELSE outside routines like functions or procedures. For this scenario, the statement should be encapsulated in an anonymous block, as shown in the following example. You can read more about how to correctly return the output values in theSELECT section.
SQL Server
IN -> SqlServer_02.sql
DECLARE @maxWeight FLOAT, @productKey INTEGER SET @maxWeight =100.00SET @productKey =424IF @maxWeight <=99 SELECT @productKey, 'This product is too heavy to ship and is only available for pickup.'ELSE SELECT @productKey, 'This product is available for shipping or pickup.'
Snowflake Scripting
OUT -> SqlServer_02.sql
DECLARE MAXWEIGHT FLOAT; PRODUCTKEY INTEGER; BlockResultSet1 VARCHAR; BlockResultSet2 VARCHAR; return_arr ARRAY := array_construct();BEGIN MAXWEIGHT :=100.00; PRODUCTKEY :=424; IF (:MAXWEIGHT <=99) THEN BlockResultSet1 :='RESULTSET_'|| REPLACE(UPPER(UUID_STRING()), '-', '_'); CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE IDENTIFIER(:BlockResultSet1) AS SELECT :PRODUCTKEY, 'This product is too heavy to ship and is only available for pickup.'; return_arr := array_append(return_arr, :BlockResultSet1); ELSE BlockResultSet2 :='RESULTSET_'|| REPLACE(UPPER(UUID_STRING()), '-', '_'); CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE IDENTIFIER(:BlockResultSet2) AS SELECT :PRODUCTKEY, 'This product is available for shipping or pickup.'; return_arr := array_append(return_arr, :BlockResultSet2); END IF;--** SSC-FDM-0020 - MULTIPLE RESULT SETS ARE RETURNED IN TEMPORARY TABLES ** RETURN return_arr;END;