Nested function/procedure declarations are considered a complex pattern and not supported in snowflake.
Snowflake does not support the declaration of nested functions/procedures, this warning is added to any create function or create procedure statement in which nested declarations were found.
Code example
IN -> Oracle_01.sql
CREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONmyFunctionRETURNINTEGERIS total_count INTEGER;-- Function DeclarationFUNCTION function_declaration(param1 VARCHAR) RETURNINTEGER;FUNCTION function_definitionRETURNINTEGERIS count INTEGER;PROCEDURE procedure_declaration(param1 INTEGER)ISBEGINNULL;END;BEGINRETURN count;end;BEGIN-- Your logic to calculate the total employee count goes hereRETURN total_count;END;
OUT -> Oracle_01.sql
!!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0046 - NESTED FUNCTION/PROCEDURE DECLARATIONS ARE NOT SUPPORTED IN SNOWFLAKE. ***/!!!CREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONmyFunction ()RETURNSFLOATLANGUAGE JAVASCRIPTCOMMENT = '{"origin":"sf_sc","name":"snowconvert","version":{"major":1, "minor":0},{"attributes":{"component":"oracle"}}'
AS$$// REGION SnowConvert Helpers Code var RAISE =function (code,name,message) {message=== undefined && ([name,message] = [message,name]) var error = new Error(message); =name SQLERRM =`${(SQLCODE = (error.code = code))}: ${message}`throw error; };//END REGION let TOTAL_COUNT;/* ** SSC-EWI-OR0057 - TRANSFORMATION FOR NESTED PROCEDURE OR FUNCTION IS NOT SUPPORTED ** *//* -- Function Declaration FUNCTION function_declaration(param1 VARCHAR) RETURN INTEGER; *///Function Declaration ;/* ** SSC-EWI-OR0057 - TRANSFORMATION FOR NESTED PROCEDURE OR FUNCTION IS NOT SUPPORTED ** *//* FUNCTION function_definition RETURN INTEGER IS count INTEGER; PROCEDURE procedure_declaration(param1 INTEGER) IS BEGIN NULL; END; BEGIN RETURN count; end; */ ;// Your logic to calculate the total employee count goes herereturn TOTAL_COUNT;$$;
Remove the nested declarations from the function/procedure.