Best practices
1. Extraction
We highly recommend you use our scripts to extract your workload:
Teradata: Click here.
Oracle: Click here.
SQLServer: Click here.
2. Preprocess
We highly recommend you use a Preprocess Script that aims to give you better results before starting an assessment or a conversion. This script performs the following tasks:
Create a single file for each top-level object
Organize each file by a defined folder hierarchy (The default is: Database Name -> Schema Name -> Object Type)
Generate an inventory report that provides information on all the objects that are in the workload.
2.1 Download:
Please click here to download the binary of the script for MacOs (make sure to follow the setup on 2.3).
Please click here to download the binary of the script for Windows.
2.2 Description
The following information is needed to run the script:
Script Argument
Example Value
Input folder
{ -i | ifolder= }
Output folder
{ -o | ofolder= }
Database name
{ -d | dname= }
Database engine
Microsoft SQL Server
{ -e | dengine= }
Output folder structure
Database name, top level object type and schema
[ { -s | structure= } ]
Pivot tables generation
[ -p ]
The supported values for the database engine argument (-e) are: oracle, mssql and teradata
The supported values for the database engine argument (-e) are: database_name, schema_name and top_level_object_name_type. When specifying this argument all the previous values need to be separated by a comma (e.g., ““-sdatabase_name,top_level_object_name_type,schema_name).
This argument is optional and when it is not specified the default structure is the following: Database name, top-level object type and schema name.
The pivot tables generation parameter (-p) is optional.
2.3 Setup the binary for Mac
Set the binary as an executable:
chmod +x standardize_sql_files
Run the script by executing the following command:
Running the script
Running the script using the following format:
Mac format
./standardize_sql_files -i "input path" -o "output path" -d Workload1 -e teraddata
Windows format
./standardize_sql_files.exe -i "input path" -o "output path" -d Workload1 -e teraddata
If the script is successfully executed the following output will be displayed:
Splitting process completed successfully! Report successfully created! Script successfully executed!
Last updated