This is the Teradata SnowConvert features roadmap
Coming Soon
Enable Deployment order information for Tables and Views
Allow the user to treat the Period Data Type as two date fields instead of the current implementation of delimited varchar.
Support EXPAND ON function
Support RESET WHEN inside Window functions
Support output parameters when calling a procedure
Support Get Diagnostics Exception
Preserve length for conversion from VARBYTE (length) to BINARY
Support PeriodData separation for arithmetic and comparison operations
Improve parser coverage to reduce parsing errors.
Update [Limited Access] SQL Translation Reference
Translate Stored Procedures to Snowflake SQL Stored Procedures.
Provide translation for more built-in functions
Parse and translate TPT Scripts
AssessmentReport improvements
Translation for CREATE FUNCTION
Enable option to suppress EWIs in converted code
Top Level Queries Report
CLI: parallel execution
Enable BTEQ Python helper to be downloaded via pip install command.
Command Line Interface on LINUX.
Documentation that describes the issue, adds some example codes to understand the issue and provides some recommendations for solving the Issue manually.
Command Line Interface on Windows and macOS