Transformation for this command is pending
Shows the value of a SQLPlus system variable or the current SQLPlus environment. (Oracle SQL Plus User's Guide and Reference)
Snowflake does not have a direct equivalent for this command. However, some of its functionalities can be emulated.
1. Show ERRORS
Shows the compilation errors of a stored procedure (includes stored functions, procedures, and packages). After you use the CREATE command to create a stored procedure, a message is displayed if the stored procedure has any compilation errors.
In Snowflake, performing an extra statement to display all the compilation errors is unnecessary. The compilation errors are displayed immediately when executing the CREATE statement.
Note that the INTO keyword is misspelled in order to cause a compilation error.
SnowSQL (CLI Client)
Show ALL
Lists the settings of all SHOW options, except ERRORS and SGA, in alphabetical order.
In order to display all the possible options in SnowCLI you can run the !options