Updates values in one or more table columns when a condition is satisfied. (Redshift SQL Language Reference Update Statement).
This syntax is fully supported in Snowflake.
Grammar Syntax
Sample Source Patterns
Setup data
Although Snowflake's grammar does not specify that a table alias can be used, it's valid code in Snowflake.
Input Code:
Output Code:
WITH clause
This clause specifies one or more Common Table Expressions (CTE). The output column names are optional for non-recursive CTEs, but mandatory for recursive ones.
Since this clause cannot be used in an UPDATE statement, it is transformed into temporary tables with their corresponding queries. After the UPDATE statement is executed, these temporary tables are dropped to clean up, release resources, and avoid name collisions when creating tables within the same session. Additionally, if a regular table with the same name exists, it will take precedence again, since the temporary table has priority over any other table with the same name in the same session.
Non-Recursive CTE
Input Code:
Output Code:
Recursive CTE
Input Code:
Output Code:
Input Code:
Output Code:
SET clause
It is responsible for modifying values in the columns. Similar to Snowflake, update queries with multiple matches per row will throw an error when the configuration parameter ERROR_ON_NONDETERMINISTIC_UPDATE is set to true. This flag works the same way in Snowflake, and it even uses the same name, ERROR_ON_NONDETERMINISTIC_UPDATE.
However, when this flag is turned off, no error is returned, and one of the matched rows is used to update the target row. The selected joined row is nondeterministic and arbitrary in both languages; the behavior may not be consistent across executions, which could lead to data inconsistencies.
Setup data:
Input Code:
Output Code:
Known Issues
Update queries with multiple matches per row may cause data inconsistencies. Although both platforms have the flag ERROR_ON_NONDETERMINISTIC_UPDATE, these values will always be nondeterministic. Snowflake offers recommendations for handling these scenarios. Click here for more details.
Replicating the functionality of the
clause requires creating temporary tables mirroring each Common Table Expression (CTE). However, this approach fails if a temporary table with the same name already exists within the current session, causing an error.
Related EWIs
There are no known issues.
Last updated