QUALIFY clause


The QUALIFY clause filters results of a previously computed window function according to user‑specified search conditions. You can use the clause to apply filtering conditions to the result of a window function without using a subquery. (Redshift SQL Language Reference QUALIFY Clause)

The QUALIFY clause is supported in Snowflake.

Grammar Syntax

QUALIFY condition

Sample Source Patterns

Input Code:

IN -> Redshift_01.sql
CREATE TABLE store_sales 
    ss_sold_date DATE, 
    ss_sold_time TIME, 
    ss_item TEXT, 
    ss_sales_price FLOAT

INSERT INTO store_sales VALUES ('2022-01-01', '09:00:00', 'Product 1', 100.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '11:00:00', 'Product 2', 500.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '15:00:00', 'Product 3', 20.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '17:00:00', 'Product 4', 1000.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '18:00:00', 'Product 5', 30.0),
                               ('2022-01-02', '10:00:00', 'Product 6', 5000.0),
                               ('2022-01-02', '16:00:00', 'Product 7', 5.0);

FROM store_sales ss
WHERE ss_sold_time > time '12:00:00'
QUALIFY row_number()
OVER (PARTITION BY ss_sold_date ORDER BY ss_sales_price DESC) <= 2;

Output Code:

OUT -> Redshift_01.sql
CREATE TABLE store_sales
    ss_sold_date DATE,
    ss_sold_time TIME,
    ss_item TEXT,
    ss_sales_price FLOAT
COMMENT = '{ "origin": "sf_sc", "name": "snowconvert", "version": {  "major": 0,  "minor": 0,  "patch": "0" }, "attributes": {  "component": "redshift",  "convertedOn": "11/05/2024",  "domain": "test" }}';

INSERT INTO store_sales
VALUES ('2022-01-01', '09:00:00', 'Product 1', 100.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '11:00:00', 'Product 2', 500.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '15:00:00', 'Product 3', 20.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '17:00:00', 'Product 4', 1000.0),
                               ('2022-01-01', '18:00:00', 'Product 5', 30.0),
                               ('2022-01-02', '10:00:00', 'Product 6', 5000.0),
                               ('2022-01-02', '16:00:00', 'Product 7', 5.0);

    store_sales ss
WHERE ss_sold_time > time '12:00:00'
QUALIFY row_number()
OVER (PARTITION BY ss_sold_date ORDER BY ss_sales_price DESC) <= 2;

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Last updated