Scripts - Files
This section shows information about the Script Files section of the Teradata Assessment Report.
This page of the documentation is for Teradata only.
Conversion Rate - Files Generated
Indicates the file generation percentage grouped by valid file extension (shown in the image above).
You can refer to further information about this topic in the Conversion Rate Modes section of our documentation.
Associated CSV Field names
BTEQ Files Conversion Rate: BTEQFilesConversionRate
FastLoad Files Conversion Rate: FastLoadFilesConversionRate
MultiLoad Files Conversion Rate: MultiLoadFilesConversionRate
TPT Files Conversion Rate: TPTFilesConversionRate
TPump Files Conversion Rate: TPumpFilesConversionRate
Conversion Rate - Lines of Code (LOC)
Indicates the Lines of Code conversion percentage per file extension.
Associated CSV Field names
BTEQ LOC Conversion Rate: BTEQLoCConversionRate
FastLoad LOC Conversion Rate: FastLoadLoCConversionRate
MultiLoad LOC Conversion Rate: MultiLoadLoCConversionRate
TPT LOC Conversion Rate: TPTLoCConversionRate
TPump LOC Conversion Rate: TPumpLoCConversionRate
Total File Quantity
Indicates the total amount of files of each type. It is used to calculate the Files Generated
conversion rate.
Associated CSV Field names
BTEQ Total File Quantity: BTEQFileCount
FastLoad Total File Quantity: FastLoadFileCount
MultiLoad Total File Quantity: MultiLoadFileCount
TPT Total File Quantity: TPTFileCount
TPump Total File Quantity: TPumpFileCount
From the previous, we will get:
Number of BTEQ files: 1
Number of TPT files: 1
Total LOC
Indicates the total amount of lines of code per file extension. It is used to calculate the Lines of Code
Associated CSV Field names
BTEQ Total LOC: BTEQLinesCount
FastLoad Total LOC: FastLoadLinesCount
MultiLoad Total LOC: MultiLoadLinesCount
TPT Total LOC: TPTLinesCount
TPump Total LOC: TPumpLinesCount
Indicates the total amount of parsing errors per file extension.
Associated CSV Field names
BTEQ Total Parsing Errors: BTEQTotalParsingErrors
FastLoad Total Parsing Errors: FastLoadTotalParsingErrors
MultiLoad Total Parsing Errors: MultiLoadTotalParsingErrors
TPT Total Parsing Errors: TPTTotalParsingErrors
TPump Total Parsing Errors: TPumpTotalParsingErrors
Explanation: In the example below, there is a parsing error when creating the table due to the incorrect use of the square brackets ([]
), lines 1 and 3. This will be shown in the report as 1 parsing error in the TPT files row.
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