Renaming feature
Renaming objects during a database migration process is something that a lot of users need to do. For this reason, SnowConvert enables the Renaming feature to allow defining new names for the following types of user-defined objects:
This feature is supported for Teradata and Redshift ONLY.
Materialized Views
The renaming feature will apply to both the object definition and the object's uses.
These objects are usually qualified within a schema or a database, so, depending on the Database platform, the object Table1
might be referenced simply as Table1
, as MySchema.Table1
or as MyDatabase.MySchema.Table1
. It is essential to fully qualify each object in the renaming file to avoid ambiguity.
The new object names are specified via a .json file with the following format.
Note that this example contains a "Macros" section, this is a Teradata specific element, and may vary depending on the specified language.
In order to use the renaming feature you have to execute the CLI version of SnowConvert with the following argument --RenamingFile
and provide the path to the .json file containing the renaming information. An example of the command can look like this:
snowct.exe -i "somePath/input" -o "somePath/output" --RenamingFile "somePath/renamings.json"
Renaming modes
Notice there are two fields for each kind of object: "Tables"
and "TablesRegex"
, "Views"
and "ViewsRegex"
, and so on. This is because there are two ways in which renamings can be specified.
Object by object (line by line)
In this mode, each line represents an object, and it must contain the original fully qualified name and the new name. So, if we want to move an object named "Table1" inside the schema "OriginalSchema" to the schema "SchemaSF", the line must be like this:
If we also want to rename it to "Table2", the line should be like this:
This information has to be specified in the "Tables"
, "Views"
, "Procedures"
, "Macros"
and "Functions"
sections of the .json file and each line must be separated with a comma. Let's take a look at an example:
The above sample is saying that the only three tables in the whole workload to be renamed are the ones called "Table1", "Table2" and "Table3", all located inside the "Schema1" schema; they must be renamed to "SF_Table1", "SF_Table2" and "SF_Table3", respectively; and finally, they will be located under the "SF_Schema1" schema in Snowflake.
Regular expressions
If there is a need to rename multiple objects in the same way, the feature also allows regular expressions to define patterns to apply to objects of the same kind. Two lines are required to specify each renaming, the first line is "RegexExpr"
which is the matching expression and the second line is the "RegexReplace"
which is the replacing expression. This information has to be provided in the "TablesRegex"
, "ViewsRegex"
, "ProceduresRegex"
, "MacrosRegex"
and "FunctionsRegex"
sections of the .json file. So, the previous example can also be written in the following manner, using the regular expression feature.
The only difference is that this way applies to all tables located within the "Schema1" schema. The regex expression would match all tables defined within the "Schema1" schema and will create a capturing group with everything after the dot. The regex replace will move the tables to the "SF_Schema1" schema and will add the "SF_" prefix to all tables found referencing the first group created ($1) in the regex expression.
Renaming priority
There might be renamings that apply to the same object and only one of them is chosen. Within the same section, SnowConvert will apply the first renaming that matches the current object's name, and it will stop trying to rename that object. So in the following example, despite the fact that "Tables"
section specifies renaming "Table1" to "Table1-a" and also to "Table1-b", SnowConvert will only rename it to "Table1-a".
Also, SnowConvert will try to rename an object first checking the object by object renaming section before trying the regular expressions section. So, in the following example despite the fact that both renamings can apply to the same object "Schema1.Table1", only the one defined in the "Tables"
section is applied.
Let's say we have the following input code.
Input Code
And the following renaming information
Renaming File (.JSON)
This would be the output code with and without renaming.
Snowflake output code
Notice how all the references to "CLIENT" are renamed to "USER"
Last updated