Some parts in the output code are omitted for clarity reasons.
This custom UDF is added to process a rowset view over an XML document. This would be used for declarations in because it works as a rowset provider.
Optional parameters and different node types are not supported in this version of the UDF. The element node is processed by default.
Custom UDF overloads
XML: A VARCHAR that represents the readable content of the XML.
PATH: A varchar that contains the pattern of the nodes to be processed as rows.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION OPENXML_UDF(XML VARCHAR, PATHVARCHAR)RETURNS TABLE(VALUE VARIANT)LANGUAGE SQLCOMMENT='{"origin":"sf_sc","name":"snowconvert","version":{"major":1, "minor":0},"attributes":{"component":"udf"}}'AS$$SELECT VALUE fromTABLE(FLATTEN(input=>XML_JSON_SIMPLE(PARSE_XML(XML)), path=>PATH))$$;CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION XML_JSON_SIMPLE(XML VARIANT)RETURNS OBJECTLANGUAGE JAVASCRIPTCOMMENT='{"origin":"sf_sc","name":"snowconvert","version":{"major":1, "minor":0},"attributes":{"component":"udf"}}'AS$$functiontoNormalJSON(xmlJSON) { var finalres = {}; var name=xmlJSON['@']; var res = {}; finalres[name] = res;for(var key in xmlJSON) {if (key =="@") { res["$name"] = xmlJSON["@"]; }elseif (key =="$") {continue; }elseif (key.startsWith("@")) {// This is an attribute res[key]=xmlJSON[key]; }else { var elements = xmlJSON['$'] var value = xmlJSON[key]; res[key] = [];if (Array.isArray(value)) {for(var elementKey in value) { var currentElement = elements[elementKey]; var fixedElement = toNormalJSON(currentElement); res[key].push(fixedElement); } }elseif (value ===0) { var fixedElement = toNormalJSON(elements); res[key].push(fixedElement); } } }return finalres;}return toNormalJSON(XML);$$;
CustomerID | ContactName
VINET | Paul Henriot
LILAS | Carlos Gonzlez
The following example is isolated into a stored procedure because environment variables only support 256 bytes of storage, and the XML demo code uses more than that limit.