Built-in functions
This section shows equivalents between functions in Oracle and in Snowflake.
Oracle | Snowflake | Notes |
ABS | ABS | |
ANY_VALUE | ANY_VALUE | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
APPROX_COUNT | *to be defined | |
APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_AGG | *to be defined | |
APPROX_MEDIAN | *to be defined | |
APPROX_PERCENTILE_AGG | *to be defined | |
APPROX_PERCENTILE_DETAIL | *to be defined | |
APPROX_RANK | *to be defined | |
APPROX_SUM | *to be defined | |
ASCIISTR | *to be defined | |
ATAN2 | ATAN2 | |
AVG | AVG | |
BFILENAME | *to be defined | |
BIN_TO_NUM | *to be defined | |
BIT_AND_AGG | BITAND_AGG | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
BITMAP_CONSTRUCT___AGG | BITMAP_CONSTRUCT___AGG | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
BITMAP_COUNT | BITMAP_BIT_COUNT | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
BITMAP_OR_AGG | BITMAP_OR___AGG | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
BIT_OR_AGG | BIT_OR_AGG | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
BIT_XOR_AGG | BIT_XOR_AGG | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
CARDINALITY | *to be defined | |
CAST | CAST TO_DATE TO_NUMBER TO_TIMESTAMP Not Supported | The function is converted to stub 'CAST_STUB' and outputs an error, when comes with one of the following not supported statement: 'DEFAULT ON CONVERSION ERROR' or 'MULTISET'. Also, it is converted to a stub and outputs an error if the data type is not supported. The function is converted to the 'TO_NUMBER' function when the expression to cast is of type number and outputs an error indicating that the explicit cast is not possible to be done. The function is converted to the 'TO_DATE' function when the expression to cast is of type date and outputs an error indicating that the explicit cast is not possible to be done. The function is converted to the 'TO_TIMESTAMP' function when the expression to cast is of type timestamp and outputs an error indicating that the explicit cast is not possible to be done. |
CHARTOROWID | *to be defined | |
CHECKSUM | *to be defined | |
CHR | CHR | USING NCHAR_CS statement is not supported by the Snowflake function equivalent. The clause is removed. |
CLUSTER_DETAILS | *to be defined | |
CLUSTER_DISTANCE | *to be defined | |
CLUSTER_ID | *to be defined | |
CLUSTER_PROBABILITY | *to be defined | |
CLUSTER_SET | *to be defined | |
COLLECT | *to be defined | |
COMPOSE | *to be defined | |
CON_DBID_TO_ID | *to be defined | |
CON_GUID_TO_ID | *to be defined | |
CON_NAME_TO_ID | *to be defined | |
CON_UID_TO_ID | *to be defined | |
CONCAT | CONCAT | Every expression parameter will be inside of an NVL(expr, ' ') function to avoid an error in case one of the expressions is null. |
CONVERT | *to be defined | |
CORR | CORR | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
CORR_S | *to be defined | |
CORR_K | *to be defined | |
COS | COS | |
COVAR_POP | COVAR_POP | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
COVAR_SAMP | COVAR_SAMP | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
CUBE_TABLE | Not Supported | Converted to a stub 'CUBE_TABLE_STUB' and an error is added. |
CUME_DIST | CUME_DIST | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
CV | *to be defined | |
DATAOBJ_TO_MAT_PARTITION | *to be defined | |
DATAOBJ_TO_PARTITION | *to be defined | |
DBTIMEZONE | *to be defined | |
DECOMPOSE | *to be defined | |
DENSE_RANK | DENSE_RANK | There are two kinds of syntax, aggregate syntax, and analytic syntax. The aggregate syntax is not supported and an error is added. The analytic syntax is supported but the 'SIBLINGS' keyword is removed from the 'order by' clause and a warning is added. |
DEPTH | *to be defined | |
DEREF | *to be defined | |
DUMP | *to be defined | |
EMPTY_BLOB | *to be defined | |
EMPTY_CLOB | *to be defined | |
EXISTSNODE | *to be defined | |
EXP | EXP | |
EXTRACT (datetime) | EXTRACT (datetime) Not supported | Kept as an EXTRACT function but outputs a warning when the function has 'MINUTE' or 'TIMEZONE_MINUTE' as the first keyword parameter. Converted to a stub 'EXTRACT_STUB' and outputs an error when the first keyword parameter is 'TIMEZOME_REGION' or 'TIMEZONE_ABBR' |
EXTRACT (XML) | Not Supported | Function related to XML is not supported. It is converted to a stub 'EXTRACT_STUB' and an error is added. Please check the following link about how to handle the loading for XML: |
EXTRACTVALUE | Not Supported | Converted to a stub 'EXTRACTVALUE_STUB' and an error is added. |
FEATURE_COMPARE | *to be defined | |
FEATURE_DETAILS | *to be defined | |
FEATURE_ID | *to be defined | |
FEATURE_SET | *to be defined | |
FEATURE_VALUE | *to be defined | |
FIRST | Not Supported | The statement used to indicate that only the first or last values of the aggregate function will be returned is not supported. Outputs an error. |
FIRST_VALUE | FIRST_VALUE | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
FROM_TZ | *to be defined | |
GROUP_ID | *to be defined | |
HEXTORAW | *to be defined | |
INSTR | POSITION | The order of the 'string' parameter and the 'substring' parameter is inverted. Also, the 'occurrence' parameter is removed because it is not supported and a warning is added. |
ITERATION_NUMBER | *to be defined | |
JSON_ARRAY | *to be defined | |
JSON_ARRAYAGG | *to be defined | |
JSON | *to be defined | |
JSON_MERGE_PATCH | *to be defined | |
JSON_OBJECT | *to be defined | |
JSON_OBJECTAGG | *to be defined | |
JSON_QUERY | *to be defined | |
JSON_SCALAR | *to be defined | |
JSON_SERIALIZE | *to be defined | |
JSON_TABLE | Not Supported | Outputs an error: JSON_TABLE IS NOT SUPPORTED. |
JSON_TRANSFORM | *to be defined | |
KURTOSIS_POP | *to be defined | |
KURTOSIS_SAMP | *to be defined | |
LAG | LAG | When the value expression comes with the RESPECT | IGNORE NULLS statement, the statement is moved outside the parenthesis in order to match the Snowflake grammar. |
LAST | Not Supported | The statement used to indicate that only the first or last values of the aggregate function will be returned is not supported. Outputs an error. |
LAST_VALUE | LAST_VALUE | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
LEAD | LEAD | When the value expression comes with the RESPECT | IGNORE NULLS statement, the statement is moved outside the parenthesis in order to match the Snowflake grammar. |
LISTAGG | LISTAGG | The overflow clause is removed from the function. |
LN | LN | |
LNNVL | *to be defined | |
LOG | LOG | |
MAKE_REF | *to be defined | |
MAX | MAX | |
MIN | MIN | |
MOD | MOD | |
MONTHS_BETWEEN | MONTHS_BETWEEN_UDF | Converted to a user-defined function. |
NANVL | *to be defined | |
NCHR | *to be defined | |
NEW_TIME | *to be defined | |
NLS_CHARSET_DESCL_LEN | *to be defined | |
NLS_CHARSET_ID | *to be defined | |
NLS_CHARSET_NAME | *to be defined | |
NLS_COLLATION_ID | *to be defined | |
NLS_COLLATION_NAME | *to be defined | |
NLS_INITCAP | *to be defined | |
NLS_LOWER | *to be defined | |
NLS_UPPER | *to be defined | |
NLSSORT | COLLATE Not Supported | When the function is outside of a 'where' or 'order by' clause, it is not supported and it is converted to stub 'NLSSORT_STUB' and an error is added. Otherwise, if the function is inside a 'where' or 'order by' clause, it is converted to the COLLATE function. |
NUMTODSINTERVAL | Not Supported | While the function itself is not supported, some usages can be migrated manually. For example DATEADD can be used to manually migrate a sum between a Date/Timestamp and this function. |
NUMTOYMINTERVAL | Not Supported | While the function itself is not supported, some usages can be migrated manually. For example DATEADD can be used to manually migrate a sum between a Date/Timestamp and this function. |
NVL | NVL | |
NVL2 | NVL2 | |
ORA_DM_PARTITION_NAME | *to be defined | |
ORA_DST_AFFECTED | *to be defined | |
ORA_DST_CONVERTED | *to be defined | |
ORA_DST_ERROR | *to be defined | |
ORA_HASH | Not Supported | Converted to a stub 'ORA_HASH_STUB' and an error is added. |
PATH | *to be defined | |
PERCENT_RANK | PERCENT_RANK | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
POWERMULTISET | *to be defined | |
PREDICTION | *to be defined | |
PREDICTION_BOUNDS | *to be defined | |
PREDICTION_COST | *to be defined | |
PREDICTION_DETAILS | *to be defined | |
PREDICTION_PROBABILITY | *to be defined | |
PREDICTION_SET | *to be defined | |
PRESENTNNV | *to be defined | |
PRESENTV | *to be defined | |
PREVIOUS | *to be defined | |
RANK | RANK | There are two kinds of syntax, aggregate syntax, and analytic syntax. The aggregate syntax is not supported and an error is added. The analytic syntax is supported but the 'SIBLINGS' keyword is removed from the 'order by' clause and a warning is added. |
RAWTOHEX | *to be defined | |
RAWTONHEX | *to be defined | |
REF | *to be defined | |
REFTOHEX | *to be defined | |
REGEXP_REPLACE | REGEXP_REPLACE | In the replace_string parameter (the third one) is being added an extra '' symbol to escape the other one. In the match_param parameter (last one) the equivalence works like this: 'c' -> 'c' specifies case-sensitive 'i' -> 'i' specifies case-insensitive 'n' -> 's' allows the period(.), which is the match-any-character character, to match the newline character 'm' -> 'm' treats the source string as multiple lines 'x' -> 'e' ignores whitespace characters |
REGEXP_SUBSTR | REGEXP_SUBSTR | In the replace_string parameter (the second one) is being added an extra '' symbol to escape the other one. In the match_param parameter the equivalence works like this: 'c' -> 'c' specifies case-sensitive 'i' -> 'i' specifies case-insensitive 'n' -> 's' allows the period(.), which is the match-any-character character, to match the newline character 'm' -> 'm' treats the source string as multiple lines 'x' -> 'e' ignores whitespace characters |
REGR | REGR | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
REMAINDER | *to be defined | |
ROUND_TIES_TO_EVEN | *to be defined | |
ROWIDTOCHAR | *to be defined | |
ROWIDTONCHAR | *to be defined | |
SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP | *to be defined | |
SESSIONTIMEZONE | *to be defined | |
SET | *to be defined | |
SKEWNESS_POP | *to be defined | |
SKEWNESS_SAMP | *to be defined | |
STANDARD_HASH | *to be defined | |
STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST | *to be defined | |
STATS_CROSSTAB | *to be defined | |
STATS_F_TEST | *to be defined | |
STATS_KS_TEST | *to be defined | |
STATS_MODE | *to be defined | |
STATS_MW_TEST | *to be defined | |
STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA | *to be defined | |
STATS_T_TEST | *to be defined | |
STATS_WSR_TEST | *to be defined | |
SUBSTR | SUBSTR | All the types of SUBSTR (SUBSTRB, SUBSTRC, SUBSTR2, SUBSTR4) are being converted to SUBSTR |
SUM | SUM | |
SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH | *to be defined | |
SYS_CONTEXT | CURRENT_USER CURRENT_SCHEMA CURRENT_DATABASE IS_ROLE_IN_SESSION CURRENT_CLIENT CURRENT_SESSION Not supported | Depending on the parameters of the function SYS_CONTEXT, it is converted to one of the specified functions. 'CURRENT_SCHEMA' converted to CURRENT_SCHEMA() 'CURRENT_USER' converted to CURRENT_USER() 'DB_NAME' converted to CURRENT_DATABASE() 'ISDBA' converted to IS_ROLE_IN_SESSION('DBA') 'SERVICE_NAME' converted to CURRENT_CLIENT() 'SESSIONID' converted to CURRENT_SESSION() 'GUEST' converted to IS_ROLE_IN_SESSION('GUEST') 'SESSION_USER' converted to CURRENT_USER() 'AUTHENTICATED_IDENTITY' converted to CURENT_USER() When a parameter is not supported it is converted to stub 'SYS_CONTEXT_STUB' |
SYS_DBURIGEN | *to be defined | |
SYS_EXTRACT_UTC | *to be defined | |
SYS_GUID | *to be defined | |
SYS_OP_ZONE_ID | *to be defined | |
SYS_TYPEID | *to be defined | |
SYS_XMLAGG | *to be defined | |
SYS_XMLGEN | *to be defined | |
TAN | TAN | |
TIMESTAMP_TO_SCN | *to be defined | |
TO_APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT | *to be defined | |
TO_APPROX_PERCENTILE | *to be defined | |
TO_BINARY_DOUBLE | *to be defined | |
TO_BINARY_FLOAT | *to be defined | |
TO_BLOB (bfile) | *to be defined | |
TO_BLOB (raw) | *to be defined | |
TO_CHAR (character) | TO_CHAR | |
TO_CHAR (datetime) | TO_CHAR(datetime) Conditional Expression(CASE) Not Supported | Depending on the format parameter, the function is converted to conditional expression (CASE WHEN) or a user-defined function or kept as TO_CHAR(datetime). Sometimes the function will be between another function to get an equivalent result. When the function is not supported it is converted to stub 'TO_CHAR_STUB'. Go to To_Char(datetime) to get more information about this function. |
TO_CHAR (number) | TO_CHAR (number) | If the numeric parameter is of type double or float the function is commented out and an error is added. When comes a format not supported, the format parameter is removed from the function and an error is added. Not supported formats: C L PR RN TM U V. If the function has the nlsparam parameter, it is removed from the function and an error is added. |
TO_CLOB ( bfile | blob ) | TO_VARCHAR | Outputs a warning to indicate the bfile/blob parameters are considered binary. Also outputs an error when the function has more than one parameter. |
TO_CLOB (character) | TO_VARCHAR | Outputs a warning to indicate the bfile/blob parameters are considered binary. Also outputs an error when the function has more than one parameter. |
TO_DATE | TO_DATE | When comes a format not supported, the function is commented out and an error is added. Not supported formats: FXFMDD-MON-YYYY J DDD MONTH RM DD-MON-RR DD-MON-RRRR SSSSS YYYY YYY Y |
TO_DSINTERVAL | *to be defined | |
TO_LOB | *to be defined | |
TO_MULTI_BYTE | *to be defined | |
TO_NCHAR | *to be defined | |
TO_NCHAR (datetime) | *to be defined | |
TO_NCLOB | *to be defined | |
TO_NUMBER | TO_NUMBER Not Supported | The 'DEFAULT integer ON CONVERSION ERROR' statement is removed and outputs an error, Converted to a stub TO_NUMBER_STUB and an error is added when the 'format' parameter is not supported and also when the function has the 'nlsparam' parameter. |
TO_SINGLE_BYTE | *to be defined | |
TO_TIMESTAMP | TO_DATE | When comes a format not supported, the function is commented out and an error is added. Not supported formats: FXFMDD-MON-YYYY J DDD MONTH RM DD-MON-RR DD-MON-RRRR SSSSS YYYY YYY Y |
TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ | TO_DATE | When comes a format not supported, the function is commented out and an error is added. Not supported formats: FXFMDD-MON-YYYY J DDD MONTH RM DD-MON-RR DD-MON-RRRR SSSSS YYYY YYY Y |
TO_UTC_TIMESTAMP_TZ | *to be defined | |
TO_YMINTERVAL | *to be defined | |
TREAT | *to be defined | |
TRIM | TRIM LTRIM RTRIM | Depending on the first parameter it will be converted to: LEADING keyword -> LTRIM TRAILING keyword -> RTRIM BOTH keyword -> TRIM None of these keywords -> keep as TRIM function. Also, the order of the 'trimsource' parameter and the 'trimcharacter' parameter is inverted, and the FROM keyword is removed from the function. |
TRUNC (date) | TRUNC(date) | 'DAY' expression is added as a second parameter of the function. |
TRUNC (number) | TRUNC(number) | |
TZ_OFFSET | *to be defined | |
UID | *to be defined | |
UNISTR | TO_VARCHAR(expr) | In the expr parameter is being added the 'u' letter after every '\' symbol. |
USER | *to be defined | |
USERNV | *to be defined | |
VALIDATE_CONVERSION | *to be defined | |
VALUE | Not Supported | Converted to a stub 'VALUE_STUB' and an error is added. |
VARIANCE | VARIANCE | A warning is being added to indicate the Snowflake counterpart may not be functionally equivalent. |
VSIZE | *to be defined | |
XMLAGG | *to be defined | |
XMLCAST | *to be defined | |
XMLCDATA | *to be defined | |
XMLCOLATVAL | *to be defined | |
XMLCOMMENT | *to be defined | |
XMLCONCAT | *to be defined | |
XMLDIFF | *to be defined | |
XMLELEMENT | *to be defined | |
XMLEXISTS | *to be defined | |
XMLFOREST | *to be defined | |
XMLISVALID | *to be defined | |
XMLPARSE | *to be defined | |
XMLPATCH | *to be defined | |
XMLPI | *to be defined | |
XMLQUERY | Not Supported | |
XMLSEQUENCE | Not Supported | Converted to a stub 'XMLSEQUENCE_STUB' and an error is added. |
XMLSERIALIZE | *to be defined | |
XMLTABLE | Not Supported | Outputs an error: XMLTABLE IS NOT SUPPORTED. |
XMLTRANSFORM | *to be defined |
Functions Details.
According to the format parameter, the function will be converted to:
Format | Conversion |
AD or BC A.D. or B.C. | The function will be converted to a conditional expression (CASE)
where the format is added as a result of the 'when' condition.
For Example:
CC or SCC | The function will be converted to a conditional expression where the original function body is added as a when condition but it will be between a MOD function, after that the original function is added as a then result but contained by a SUBSTR function. For example:
D | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent but the function body will be between the DAYOFWEEK datetime part. For Example:
DAY | The function will be converted to a user-defined function inside of an UPPER
For Example:
DDD | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent but the function body will be between the DAYOFYEAR datetime part. For Example:
DD-MON-RR | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: 'DD-MON-YY'. For Example:
DL | The function will be converted to a user-defined function plus the 'OR' operator plus snowflake equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: ', MMM DD, YYYY For example:
DS | The function will be converted to a combination of the snowflake function equivalent inside of the LTRIM function and the snowflake function equivalent. All the parts combined with the 'OR' operator. For Example:
DY | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent inside of the UPPER function. For example:
I | The function will be converted to into the snowflake function equivalent inside of the SUBSTR function. For Example:
IW | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent but the function body will be between the WEEKISO datetime part. For Example:
IY | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: 'YY'. For example:
IYY | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent inside of the SUBSTR function and change the format to: 'YYYY'. For Example:
IYYY | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: 'YYYY'. For example:
J | The function will be converted to a conditional expression with 'B.C.' as a 'then' result and 'A.D.' as an else result. For example:
MI | The function will be converted to the snowflake equivalent. If the function argument is SYSDATE it will be changed to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, otherwise, if it is of type date, the function will return null. For Example:
MON | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent inside of the UPPER function. For Example:
MONTH | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent inside of the UPPER function and change the format to: 'MMMM'. For Example:
Q | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent inside of the QUARTER function. For Example:
RM | The function will be converted to a user-defined function. For Example:
RR | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: 'YY'. For Example:
RR-MON-DD | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: 'YY-MON-DD'. For Example:
RRRR | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: 'YYYY'. For Example:
SS | The function will be converted to a combination of a conditional expression and the snowflake function equivalent. All the parts combined with the 'OR' operator.
For Example:
SSSS | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent but the function body will be a concatenation of SECOND, MINUTE, and HOUR datetime parts. For Example:
TS | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent keeping the function body but changing the format to: 'HH:MI:SS PM'. For Example:
W | The function will be converted to the TRUNC function with the DAYOFMONTH datetime part. For Example:
WW | The function will be converted to the TRUNC function with the DAYOFYEAR datetime part. For Example:
Y YYY | The function will be converted to the snowflake function equivalent inside of the SUBSTR function and change the format to: 'YYYY'. For Example:
Y,YYY | The function will be converted to a combination of the snowflake function equivalent inside of the SUBSTR function and a comma symbol. All the parts combined with the 'OR' operator. For Example:
YEAR SYEAR | The function will be converted to a user-defined function inside of an UPPER function. For Example:
Last updated