Some parts in the output code are omitted for clarity reasons.
This pattern defines a function in Oracle PL/SQL that uses a cursor to fetch a single value and return it.
Function Declaration:
CREATE FUNCTION functionName(parameters) RETURN returnType
Declares the function with input parameters and the return type.
Variable Declarations:
Declares variables, including the return variable.
Cursor Declaration:
CURSOR cursorName IS SELECT singleColumn FROM ... WHERE ... [AND col1 = localVar1];
Defines a cursor to select a single column from a table with optional filtering conditions.
Variables assignment.
Opens the cursor.
Fetch the result into the return variable.
Closes the cursor.
Returns the fetched value.
In this case, the variables are transformed into a common table expression (CTE). As well as the query within the cursor to which, in addition, the FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY clause is added to simulate the FETCH CURSOR behavior.
RETURN statement is transformed to the final select.
IN -> Oracle_01.sql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func1 ( company_ INVARCHAR2, book_id_ IN DATE, object_id_ INVARCHAR2 ) RETURN INTEGERIS temp_ table1.col2%TYPE; CURSOR get_attr IS SELECT col2 FROM table1 WHERE col3 = company_ AND col4 = object_id_ AND col5 = book_id_;BEGIN OPEN get_attr; FETCH get_attr INTO temp_; CLOSE get_attr; RETURN temp_;END func1;
OUT -> Oracle_01.sql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func1 (company_ VARCHAR, book_id_ TIMESTAMP/*** SSC-FDM-OR0042 - DATE TYPE COLUMN HAS A DIFFERENT BEHAVIOR IN SNOWFLAKE. ***/, object_id_ VARCHAR)RETURNS INTEGERLANGUAGE SQLCOMMENT ='{ "origin": "sf_sc", "name": "snowconvert", "version": { "major": 0, "minor": 0, "patch": "0" }, "attributes": { "component": "oracle", "convertedOn": "09/06/2024" }}'AS$$ WITH declaration_variables_cte1 AS ( SELECT ( SELECT col2 FROM table1 WHERE col3 = company_ AND col4 = object_id_ AND col5 = book_id_ FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY) AS temp_ ) SELECT temp_ FROM declaration_variables_cte1$$;
FUNC1() |
2004-05-03. |
IN -> Oracle_02.sql
CREATE FUNCTION func2 ( fa_period_ IN NUMBER, to_date_ IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, from_date_ IN DATE DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN NUMBERIS value_ NUMBER; cond_date_to_ DATE; cond_date_from_ DATE; CURSOR get_acq_value IS SELECT NVL(SUM(col1),0) FROM table1 WHERE col3 IN (DECODE(fa_period_, 1, 'val1_1', 'val2_1')) AND col5 <= cond_date_to_ AND col5 >= cond_date_from_;BEGIN value_ :=0; cond_date_to_ := Get_Cond_Date( to_date_, 'MAX' ); cond_date_from_ := Get_Cond_Date( from_date_, 'MIN' ); OPEN get_acq_value; FETCH get_acq_value INTO value_; CLOSE get_acq_value; RETURN (NVL(value_,0));END func2;
OUT -> Oracle_02.sql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func2 (fa_period_ NUMBER(38, 18), to_date_ TIMESTAMP/*** SSC-FDM-OR0042 - DATE TYPE COLUMN HAS A DIFFERENT BEHAVIOR IN SNOWFLAKE. ***/ DEFAULT NULL, from_date_ TIMESTAMP/*** SSC-FDM-OR0042 - DATE TYPE COLUMN HAS A DIFFERENT BEHAVIOR IN SNOWFLAKE. ***/ DEFAULT NULL )RETURNS NUMBER(38, 18)LANGUAGE SQLCOMMENT ='{ "origin": "sf_sc", "name": "snowconvert", "version": { "major": 0, "minor": 0, "patch": "0" }, "attributes": { "component": "oracle", "convertedOn": "09/06/2024" }}'AS$$ WITH declaration_variables_cte1 AS ( SELECT0AS value_, Get_Cond_Date( to_date_, 'MAX' ) !!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0073 - PENDING FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE REVIEW FOR 'Get_Cond_Date' NODE ***/!!! AS cond_date_to_, Get_Cond_Date( from_date_, 'MIN' ) !!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0073 - PENDING FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE REVIEW FOR 'Get_Cond_Date' NODE ***/!!! AS cond_date_from_ ), declaration_variables_cte2 AS ( SELECT ( SELECT NVL(SUM(col1),0) FROM table1 WHERE col3 IN (DECODE(fa_period_, 1, 'val1_1', 'val2_1')) AND col5 <= cond_date_to_ AND col5 >= cond_date_from_ FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY) AS value_, cond_date_to_, cond_date_from_ FROM declaration_variables_cte1 ) SELECT (NVL(value_,0)) FROM declaration_variables_cte2$$;
FUNC1() |
2004-05-03. |
Known Issues
No issues were found.
Related EWIS
SSC-FDM-OR0042: Date Type Transformed To Timestamp Has A Different Behavior.