The renaming report provides a comparative summary of the status before and after the migration, including databases, schemas, and object names
What is a renaming object?
It is an object that underwent a name change during the migration, following the changes configured in Redshift Studio.
The report includes all migrated top-level code units, regardless of whether they underwent renaming or not.
What information does it contain?
The renaming report is presented in a table format, and contains the following columns:
The type of the Code Unit.
The source database.
The source schema.
The source name.
The Snowflake database.
The Snowflake schema
The Snowflake name.
Input Code
CREATE SCHEMA Renaming_example_schema;CREATE TABLE Renaming_example_schema.Renaming_example_table_tl ( id INT,nameVARCHAR(100));INSERT INTO Renaming_example_schema.Renaming_example_table_tl(id, name) VALUES (1, "tom");SELECT * FROM Renaming_example_schema.Renaming_example_table_tl;CREATE TABLE DB_1.MASTER.Renaming_example_table_tl_v2 ( id INT,nameVARCHAR(100));INSERT INTO DB_1.MASTER.Renaming_example_table_tl_v2(id, name) VALUES (1, "tom");SELECT * FROM DB_1.MASTER.Renaming_example_table_tl_v2;CREATE TABLE NoRenaming_db.NoRenaming_schema.NoRenamingTable_test ( id INT,nameVARCHAR(100))INSERT INTO NoRenaming_db.NoRenaming_schema.NoRenamingTable_test(id, name) VALUES (1, "tom");SELECT * FROM NoRenaming_db.NoRenaming_schema.NoRenamingTable_test;
Renaming and reporting are only available for top-level objects. Embedded objects will not appear in the report and renaming will not be applied to these objects.
Input Code
CREATE TABLE Renaming_example_table_tl ( id INT,nameVARCHAR(100));CREATE PROCEDURE Renaming_example_procedure() LANGUAGE plpgsqlAS $$BEGINCREATE TABLE Renaming_example_table_embedded ( id INT,nameVARCHAR(100));SELECT * FROM Renaming_example_table_embedded;SELECT * FROM Renaming_example_table_tl;END;$$;