Declare all variables in a block, except for loop variables, in the block's DECLARE section.
Variable declarations are fully supported by Snowflake.
Grammar Syntax
In Redshift, the CONSTANT
keyword prevents variable reassignment during execution. Since Snowflake does not support this keyword, it is removed during transformation. This does not impact functionality, as the logic should not attempt to reassign a constant variable.
constraint in Redshift ensures a variable cannot be assigned a null value and requires a non-null default value. As Snowflake does not support this constraint, it is removed during transformation. However, the default value is retained to maintain functionality.
A variable declare with a Refcursor is transformed to Resultset type, for more information.
Sample Source Patterns
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Known Issues
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Related EWIs
SSC-FDM-PG0012: NOT NULL constraint has been removed. Assigning NULL to this variable will no longer cause a failure.
Last updated