Scripts Line Conversion Summary

This section shows the summary of the lines of code in Script Files.

This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.

This section applies only to Teradata reports.

These fields are counted for the following Script files:

  • BTEQ: .bteq, .btq

  • FastLoad: .fload, .fl

  • MultiLoad: .mload, .mld, ml

  • TPump: .tpump, .tp

  • TPT: .tpt

Lines of Code

Represents the number of lines of code found in the Script files. This counting includes comments but does not include empty lines or lines with only whitespaces unless they are inside block comments or strings. Lines of code that were not recognized are counted as well.


Samples of the SQL Conversion Summary Lines of Code also apply to Scripts Lines of Code.

.RUN FILE 'myscript.txt'


Expected Lines of Code: 2

CSV Associated Field Names

  • ScriptTotalLoc

LOC Conversion Percentage

This is the percentage of fully converted lines divided by the total lines of code. Unrecognized Lines of code count as not converted. Comments count as converted.


scripts_converted_lines_of_code / scripts_total_lines_of_code


Samples of the SQL Conversion Summary LOC Conversion Percentage also apply to Scripts Lines of Code.

CSV Associated Field Names

  • ScriptTotalLoc

Unrecognized Lines of Code

This is the number of lines of code that had an element that was not recognized.


Samples of the SQL Conversion Summary Unrecognized Lines of Code also apply to Scripts Unrecognized Lines of Code.

CSV Associated Field Names

  • ScriptsUnrecognizedElementsLOC

Last updated