Details about the releases of Snowflake SnowConvert for Oracle during 2022.
This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.
Release 2.0.264 - December 20th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 13.0.23
Recognize some FORALL patterns.
Translation Specification of FORALL patterns.
Add casting when accessing DATE and TIMESTAMP fields in objects.
Fixes and improvements
Fix duplicated constants in functions/procedures inside packages.
Fix transformation for INSERT with a record value
Fix some conversion errors.
Release 2.0.259 - December 12th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 12.0.0
Generate object breakdown section in HTML Conversion Report.
Transform the Parameterized Cursor declaration.
Transform the OPEN statement of parameterized cursors.
Fixes and improvements
Fix function is not recognized when it is a Synonym.
Release 2.0.245 - November 21st, 2022
SnowConvert Core 11.0.108
Support new cases of MATERIALIZED VIEWS.
Footer added to HTML Conversion Report.
File breakdown added HTML Conversion Report.
Fixes and improvements
Fix duplicated comments in package elements when there are parsing errors.
Fix deployment error when mixing named and positional parameters in procedure calls.
Fix transformation of date operations inside procedures.
Release 2.0.234 - November 10th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 11.0.62
Generate issues breakdown section in HTML Conversion Report.
Generate overall conversion summary section in HTML Conversion Report.
Transform the Empty RETURN statement in Procedures to Snowflake Scripting.
Support for SELECT INTO record clause to Snowflake Scripting.
Provide additional execution information step for pre-processing.
Fixes and improvements
Change the RETURN statement when there are output parameters in Procedures to Snowflake Scripting.
Fix some cases for files not generated.
Fix for procedure calls inside functions with None schema.
Add EWI message to declaration and usages of the built-in packages composite data types.
Release 2.0.219 - October 25th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 10.0.0
Initial transformation for MATERIALIZED VIEWS.
Fixes and improvements
Constraints modifiers removed in NOT NULL constraints.
Improve EWI description for Create Database Link.
Fix transformation for packages with None as schema
Remove duplicated semicolons in some commented statements
Release 2.0.198 - October 10th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 9.2.72
Support for default parameters in procedures.
Support for package variables as an output argument in procedures.
Fixes and improvements
Release 2.0.176 - September 26th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 9.2.11
Initial Assessment reporting for Materialized Views.
Fixes and improvements
Fixed parsing of some table properties.
Release 2.0.157 - September 13th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 9.0.48
Provide UI and CLI options to activate the arrange
Fixes and improvements
Fix transformation for procedure calls inside packages.
Fixed parsing error in USING INDEX LOCAL clause.
Fix of conversion errors.
Release 2.0.125 - August 29th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.11.119
Fixes and improvements
Improve EWI description and transformation for DBLink (database Link) Reference.
General assessment infrastructure improvements.
Release 2.0.110 - August 16th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.11.81
Now the default target language for procedures is set to Snowflake Scripting. Javascript can still be selected in the settings.
Better description and distribution for custom naming configuration.
Fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue when the package name was qualified with the schema name.
Release 2.0.87 - August 1st, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.11.22
Fixes and improvements
Improvement in symbols loading which leads to a migration time reduction.
NLS_INITCAP function was being marked as not supported.
TO_CHAR(date, 'WW') was not giving an equivalent result.
Release 2.0.70 - July 18th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.9.154
Support for built-in package UTL_FILE.FOPEN, UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE, UTL_FILE.FCLOSE.
Fixes and improvements
GROUP BY ROLLUP function was being marked as not supported.
REVERSE function was being marked as not supported.
Fixed an exception caused by output parameters transformation.
Fixed an exception causing files not to be transformed when migrating packages to Snowflake Scripting.
Some built-in packages were not being marked as not supported.
Release 2.0.65 - July 4th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.9.95
Support for built-in package function DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR.
Procedures and functions inside packages are converted to Snowflake Scripting when the setting is on.
Constants declared inside packages, are being declared inside each procedure or function that uses them in Snowflake Scripting.
Fixes and improvements
HTML report improvements.
RATIO TO REPORT function was being marked as not supported.
CONNECT BY PRIOR was being partially marked as an error.
TO_CHAR(<date>, 'D') was not migrated properly.
Release 2.0.38 - June 21th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.9.34
Fixes and improvements
SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING clause removed from tables.
Fixed indentation with procedure calls in Snowflake Scripting.
Oracle built-in tables and views are now being marked as not supported.
Release 2.0.21 - June 7th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.3.0
Functions that migrate to procedures are now being converted to Snowflake Scripting when indicated.
Support for OUT parameters in procedures to Snowflake Scripting.
Change EULA file to a new and updated version.
Fixes and improvements
Fixed a parsing error when the DEFAULT keyword was used in an assignment inside a procedure.
Fix transformation for numeric placeholders being used in procedures.
Release 2.0.6 - May 25th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 7.2.6
Provide a hybrid approach for the TRUNC built-in function translation.
Fixes and improvements
DATEDIFF and DATEADD UDF improvement
Fix operation of NumToDsInterval + date
Convert Date data type depending on its default value
General improvements on the Pretty Print performance and output code
Release 1.1.11 - May 10th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 5.0.132
Add support for INTERVAL in arithmetic operations.
Support DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE for Javascript and Snowflake Scripting.
Fixes and Improvements:
Some unsupported data types were not being handled.
EWI3004 added when DBLink is referenced, now contains the removed syntax.
TRUNC and ROUND functions as operators in arithmetic operations are now being handled properly.
Release 1.0.238 - April 25th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 5.0.88
Support for DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE function.
Fixes and Improvements:
Fixes in function calls.
Release 1.0.223 - April 12th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 5.0.71
SYSDATE assignment to variables.
Fixes and Improvements:
Fixes in HTML report.
Release 1.0.201 - March 28th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 5.0.35
Fixes and Improvements:
Fix function call without parenthesis for JS procedures and packages.
CONTAINS function was causing parsing error.
Release 1.0.178 - March 14th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 4.0.108
Added MSCEWI 3111 with information for manual migration of COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements.
Fixes and Improvements:
Fix of conversion errors.
Improved MSCEWI 3076 to contain the built-in package name.
Added missing FROM keyword to DELETE statements.
Fix syntax errors due to spaces between compound operators.
Release 1.0.155 - February 28th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 4.0.60
Add UnrecognizedElementsLOC to Assessment.docx and Assessment.csv
Fixes and Improvements:
Fix of conversion errors.
Improved performance of SnowConvert-generated UDF Helpers
Release 1.0.136 - February 14th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 4.0.33
Map BFILE data type to VARCHAR and custom UDF added when inserting values to transformed BFILE columns.
Glossary section of the main concepts in the Assessment.docx report.
Hierarchy-oriented naming in the ObjectDB column of the Top-level objects report and Top-level queries report. Check here for more information.
Added 2 precision decimals to the conversion rates of the assessment reports to improve precision.
Fixes and Improvements:
Comment out collection variables usages in Javascript stores procedures.
NUMBER default precision - scale changed from (38,19) to (38,18) to decrease inconsistencies in binary operations. Check here for more information.
Empty object names in the Top-level objects report.
Release 1.0.111 - February 1st, 2022
SnowConvert Core 3.2.86
Top level query report.
Fixes and Improvements:
Improve readability on EWI 1036
Fix JSON data type, now it is transformed to variant
Fix case where comments were being lost at the end of the statements
Fix case where identifiers with double quotes where being transformed incorrectly
Fix Hyperlink for the release notes.
Improved Integration testing for:
Outer Join
Release 1.0.94 - January 18th, 2022
SnowConvert Core 3.2.67
New EWI when trying to select ROWID pseudocolumn.
Fixes and Improvements:
Removal of numeric literal suffixes like "d" and "f" (double and float) since this is not supported in Snowflake.
Fix transformation for Timestamp data type declarations
Fix transformation for Long Raw data type columns
Fix Using (+) operator with a column from a not-joined table and a literal expression
Fix Outer Join with (+) IN predicate when being transformed to ANSI
Fix NUMBER data type scale can not be greater than precision
Fix Transformation of ANYDATA to VARIANT
Fix transformation for Interval expressions
Fix XMLType, where it should be converted to Variant
Improved functional equivalence testing for:
Timestamp with time zone Data Type
Timestamp with Local time zone Data Type
FLOAT Data Type
NUMBER Data Type
Improved Integration testing for:
Timestamp with time zone Data Type
Timestamp with Local time zone Data Type
NUMBER Data Type
FLOAT Data Type
ROWID pseudocolumn
Release 1.0.68 - January 3rd, 2022
SnowConvert Core 3.2.34
Improved functional equivalence testing for:
Band join
Self Join
Cartesian Product
Improved functional equivalence testing for:
Interval Day to Second
Interval Year to Month
Transformation added for LENGTHB function.
Warning added when NUMBER scale is negative.
Transformation for NATIONAL CHARACTER - CHAR Data type.
Transformation for NATIONAL CHARACTER - CHAR VARYING Data type.
Fixes and Improvements:
Improved parsing for ANYTYPES Data types.
Last updated