Best practices
This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.
1. Extraction
We highly recommend you use our scripts to extract your workload:
Teradata: Click here.
Oracle: Click here.
SQLServer: Click here.
2. Preprocess
We highly recommend you use a Preprocess Script that aims to give you better results before starting an assessment or a conversion. This script performs the following tasks:
Create a single file for each top-level object
Organize each file by a defined folder hierarchy (The default is: Database Name -> Schema Name -> Object Type)
Generate an inventory report that provides information on all the objects that are in the workload.
2.1 Download:
Please click here to download the binary of the script.
2.2 Description
The following information is needed to run the script:
Script Argument | Example Value | Required | Usage |
Input folder | /home/user/extracted_ddls | Yes | { -i | ifolder= } |
Output folder | /home/user/processed_extracted_ddls | Yes | { -o | ofolder= } |
Database name | sampleDataBase | Yes | { -d | dname= } |
Database engine | Microsoft SQL Server | Yes | { -e | dengine= } |
Output folder structure | Database name, top level object type and schema | No | [ { -s | structure= } ] |
Pivot tables generation | Yes | No | [ -p ] |
The supported values for the database engine argument (-e) are: oracle, vertica, mssql and teradata
The supported values for the database engine argument (-e) are: database_name, schema_name and top_level_object_name_type. When specifying this argument all the previous values need to be separated by a comma (e.g., ““-sdatabase_name,top_level_object_name_type,schema_name).
This argument is optional and when it is not specified the default structure is the following: Database name, top-level object type and schema name.
The pivot tables generation parameter (-p) is optional.
2.3 How-to
Set the binary as an executable:
chmod +x standardize_sql_files
Run the script by executing the following command:
Running the script using the previous information:
./standardize_sql_files -i "input path" -o "output path" -d Workload1 -e teraddata
If the script is successfully executed the following output will be displayed:
Splitting process completed successfully! Report successfully created! Script successfully executed!
Last updated