Assessment.csv Report

This section describes the fields in the Assessment.csv report

This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.

For the following fields take SQL objects as the combination of identified tables, macros, join indexes, procedures and functions inside the code.


  • PartitionKey: It is a unique ID associated with the run made with the conversion tool.

  • LicenseData: The license associated with the conversion tool.

  • SystemRAM: The RAM used by the conversion tool at the moment of migrating.

  • SystemCPU: The CPU used by the conversion tool at the moment of migrating.

  • RunAsAdmin: Whether the conversion tool had administrative privileges or not.

  • CreateSession: The timestamp associated with the conversion including the date and time in which was performed.

  • ProductName: The complete name associated with the migration tool including the Conversion Core version, is used mainly to distinguish between release candidates.

  • ConversionCore: The version associated with the release notes.

  • AppVersion: Number associated with the changes implemented to the user interface.

  • SqlFileCount: Number of SQL files that have been processed by the conversion tool.

  • TotalFiles: The number of files found by the tool.

  • SqlSizeMB: The total size in megabytes associated with the SQL files.

  • TotalSize: The total size in megabytes associated with all the files.

  • BteqFileCount: Number of BTEQ files that have been processed by the conversion tool.

  • FastLoadFileCount: Number of FLOAD files that have been processed by the conversion tool.

  • MultiLoadFileCount: Number of MLOAD files that have been processed by the conversion tool.

  • TPumpFileCount: Number of TPUMP files that have been processed by the conversion tool.

  • TPTFileCount: The number of TPT files found by the tool.

  • BTEQSizeMB: The total size in megabytes associated with BTEQ files.

  • FLoadSizeMB: The total size in megabytes associated with FLOAD files.

  • MultiLoadSizeMB: The total size in megabytes associated with MLOAD files.

  • TPumpSizeMB: The total size in megabytes associated with TPUMP files.

  • TPTSizeMB: The total size in megabytes associated with TPT files.

  • StartConversion: The exact date and time where the conversion started.

  • TotalLinesOfCode: The number of converted lines of code.

  • EndConversion: The exact date and time where the conversion finished.

  • SqlLinesCount: Total SQL lines of code that were found in the input code.

  • BTEQLinesCount: Total BTEQ lines of code that were found in the input code.

  • FastLoadLinesCount: Total FLOAD lines of code that were found in the input code.

  • MultiLoadLinesCount: Total MLOAD lines of code that were found in the input code.

  • TPumpLinesCount: Total TPUMP lines of code that were found in the input code.

  • TPTLinesCount: Total TPT lines of code that were found in the input code.

  • ElapsedTime: The time the conversion tool took to finish the conversion.

  • ConversionSpeed: Speed at which the conversion tool translated the lines of code in the files, this is shown as N lines of code per second. This lets the user know the average time the conversion tool lasts to migrate the code.

  • TotalConversionErrors: Amount of conversion errors that happened during the translation of the input files. This gives the user a general idea of how much of their code can be translated by the conversion tool.

  • TotalWarnings: Amount of warnings that have been added to the output code. This lets the user know how many things in their code need special attention or treatment.

  • TotalFilesNotGenerated: The number of files not generated due to some error occurring during the conversion.

  • OSVersion: The operating system in which the conversion tool was run.

  • CloseSession: The exact timestamp in which the conversion tool finished the conversion.

  • TotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of the input files. This gives the user a general idea of how much of their code can be recognized by the conversion tool.

  • TotalLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code that were actually translated by the conversion tool. This lets the user know how much of their code the conversion tool was actually able to translate.

  • ObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool. This lets the user know how many objects the conversion tool was actually able to translate.

  • TotalIdentifiedObjects: The total number of objects.

  • OverallNumberOfDatabasesContainingObjects: The number of databases found with objects associated with them.

  • UnrecognizedElements: The total number of errors that are not associated with any node.

  • UnrecognizedElementsLOC: The total number of lines of code associated with orphan errors.

  • TotalFilesNotGenerated: The number of files not generated due to some error occurring during the conversion.

  • SqlFilesNotGenerated: The number of SQL files generated due to some error occurring during the conversion.

  • FunctionObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of functions objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • FunctionLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with functions that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • FunctionTotalOccurrences: The total number of functions found in all the files.

  • FunctionTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines associated with the functions found in the input code.

  • FunctionsTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of the input files that are associated with functions.

  • FunctionTotalConversionErrors: The total number of conversion errors associated with functions.

  • TableObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of table objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • TableLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with tables that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • TableTotalOccurrences: The total number of tables found inside the input code.

  • TableTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with tables inside the input code.

  • TableTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of tables of the input files.

  • TableTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting tables.

  • ViewObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of view objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ViewLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with views that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ViewTotalOccurrences: The total number of views found inside the input code.

  • ViewTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with views inside the input code.

  • ViewTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of views of the input files.

  • ViewTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting views.

  • JoinIndexObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of join index objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • JoinIndexLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with join indexes that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • JoinIndexTotalOccurrences: The total number of join indexes found inside the input code.

  • JoinIndexTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with join indexes inside the input code.

  • JoinIndexTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of join indexes of the input files.

  • JoinIndexTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting join indexes.

  • ProceduresObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of procedure objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ProcedureLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with procedures that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ProcedureTotalOccurrences: The total number of procedures found inside the input code.

  • ProcedureTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with procedures inside the input code.

  • ProcedureTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of procedures of the input files.

  • ProcedureTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting procedures.

  • DynamicResultSetsCount: Number of procedures that specify the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause.

  • DynamicSqlStatementsCount: Number of dynamic SQL statements found in procedures.

  • ProcedureCursorOccurrences: Number of cursors defined inside procedures.

  • MacroObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of macro objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • MacroLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with macros that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • MacroTotalOccurrences: The total number of macros found inside the input code.

  • MacroTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with macros inside the input code.

  • MacroTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of macros of the input files.

  • MacroTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting macros.

  • SqlLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with SQL objects that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • SqlIdentifiedObjects: The total number of SQL objects found inside the input code.

  • SqlTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of SQL objects of the input files.

  • SqlTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting SQL objects.

  • BteqNumberOfObjects: The total number of SQL objects found inside BTEQ files.

  • BTEQTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of SQL objects of the BTEQ files.

  • BTEQTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting SQL objects inside BTEQ files.

  • BTEQUnrecognizedElements: Amount of not recognized SQL objects inside BTEQ files.

  • BTEQUnrecognizedElementsLOC: Number of lines that form the not recognized SQL objects inside BTEQ files.

  • FloadNumberOfObjects: The total number of SQL objects found inside FastLoad files.

  • FastLoadTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of SQL objects of the FastLoad files.

  • FastlLoadTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting SQL objects inside FastLoad files.

  • FastLoadUnrecognizedElements: Amount of not recognized SQL objects inside FastLoad files.

  • FastLoadUnrecognizedElementsLOC: Number of lines that form the not recognized SQL objects inside FastLoad files.

  • MultiLoadNumberOfObjects: The total number of SQL objects found inside MultiLoad files.

  • MultiLoadTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of SQL objects of the MultiLoad files.

  • MultiLoadTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting SQL objects inside MultiLoad files.

  • MultiLoadUnrecognizedElements: Amount of not recognized SQL objects inside MultiLoad files.

  • MultiLoadUnrecognizedElementsLOC: Number of lines that form the not recognized SQL objects inside MultiLoad files.

  • TPumpNumberOfObjects: The total number of SQL objects found inside TPump files.

  • TPumpTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of SQL objects of the TPump files.

  • TPumpTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting SQL objects inside TPump files.

  • TPumpUnrecognizedElements: Amount of not recognized SQL objects inside TPump files.

  • TPumpUnrecognizedElementsLOC: Number of lines that form the not recognized SQL objects inside TPump files.

  • TPTTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of SQL objects of the TPT files.

  • TPTTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting SQL objects inside TPT files.

  • TPTUnrecognizedElements: Amount of not recognized SQL objects inside TPT files.

  • TPTUnrecognizedElementsLOC: Number of lines that form the not recognized SQL objects inside TPT files.

For the following fields take scripts as the combination of all BTEQ, FastLoad, Multiload, TPump, and TPT files.

  • ScriptFunctionObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of function objects inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptFunctionLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with functions inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptFunctionTotalOccurrences: The total number of functions found in scripts files.

  • ScriptFunctionTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines associated with the functions found in the code of scripts.

  • ScriptFunctionTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of script files that are associated with functions.

  • ScriptFunctionTotalConversionErrors: The total number of conversion errors associated with functions in scripts.

  • ScriptTablesObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of table objects inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptTableLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with tables inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptTableTotalOccurrences: The total number of tables found inside scripts.

  • ScriptTablesLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with tables inside scripts.

  • ScriptTableTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of tables of script files.

  • ScriptTablesTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting tables inside scripts.

  • ScriptViewObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of view objects inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptViewsLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with views inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptViewTotalOccurrences: The total number of views found inside scripts.

  • ScriptViewTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with views inside scripts.

  • ScriptViewTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of views of script files.

  • ScriptViewTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting views inside scripts.

  • ScriptJoinIndexObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of join index objects inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptJoinIndexLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with join indexes inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptJoinIndexTotalOccurrences: The total number of join indexes found inside scripts.

  • ScriptJoinIndexTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with join indexes inside scripts.

  • ScriptJoinIndexTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of join indexes of script files.

  • ScriptJoinIndexTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting join indexes inside scripts.

  • ScriptProcedureObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of procedure objects inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptProcedureLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with procedures inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptProcedureTotalOccurrences: The total number of procedures found inside scripts.

  • ScriptProcedureTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with procedures inside scripts.

  • ScriptProcedureTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of procedures of script files.

  • ScriptProcedureTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting procedures inside scripts.

  • ScriptMacroObjectConversionRate: Shows the percentage of macro objects inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptMacroLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with macros inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptMacroTotalOccurrences: The total number of macros found inside scripts.

  • ScriptMacroTotalLinesOfCode: The number of lines of code associated with macros inside scripts.

  • ScriptMacroTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of macros of script files.

  • ScriptMacroTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting macros inside scripts.

  • ScriptObjectConversionRate: Percentage of objects inside scripts successfully converted by the tool.

  • ScriptLoCConversionRate: Percentage of lines of code associated with SQL objects inside scripts that were actually translated by the conversion tool.

  • ScriptTotalParsingErrors: Amount of parsing errors that happened during the translation of SQL objects of script files.

  • ScriptTotalConversionErrors: The total number of errors detected while converting SQL objects inside procedures.

  • ScriptUnrecognizedElementsLoc: Amount of not recognized SQL objects inside scripts.

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