Informative Issues
This page contains the informative issues with their respective descriptions.
This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.
Views selecting all columns from a single table are not required in Snowflake and may impact performance.
Statement references multiple objects.
A conversion rate inconsistency is found on the assessment field specified.
Package Body Conversion Rate is affected by its inner elements.
Accessing arrays produces NULL instead of an error for positive out of bounds indexes in Snowflake.
External table translated to regular table.
Exception system variables are not supported in Snowflake.
Unable to generate correct RETURNS TABLE clause due to missing dependent object information.
Issues Severity
In this section, you could find an explanation of the severities.
Warnings for source code that there was no direct conversion to Snowflake. The code has been converted to a functionally equivalent output but should still be reviewed.
Errors that produce a functional or runtime difference. The user may have to invest a low amount of manual effort to complete the conversion.
Errors that produce a functional or runtime difference. The user may have to invest a high amount of manual effort to complete the conversion.
Parsing errors or errors that cause significant conversion exceptions in SnowConvert. If the source code is correct, a significant intervention will be required.
Need more support?
Reach out! Whether you need additional support working through migration or if you need an additional feature, let us know. Mobilize.Net is here to be your partner in the conversion process. You can email us at or post a message to our forums. If you have a contract for support with Mobilize.Net, reach out to your sales engineer and they can direct your support needs.
Last updated