Sequence warning.
This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.
Information from sequences inside CREATE TABLE statements is extracted in order to build a CREATE OR REPLACE SEQUENCE statement in the migrated Snowflake code.
This EWI is added to the original location of the sequence from which the information was originally collected to create that statement.
Example Code
Teradata Input Code:
Output Code:
SQL Server Input Code:
Output Code:
Snowflake has an IDENTITY data type. SnowConvert does not transform IDENTITY columns to this data type because there is no way to update the sequence created by the identity definition. After data is migrated, it might be necessary to update the START WITH
value to ensure that old values are not reused that can be already on the source data. In general, the sequence is considered more flexible as identity creates an unalterable sequence behind the scene.
Also, notice that this will affect the database metadata. If a column uses the IDENTITY then the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS reports that columns as IS_IDENTITY when the sequence is used that column will not be reported as such but you can check the sequence usage in COLUMN_DEFAULT.
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Last updated