TopLevelObjects Report
This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.
Given the following example code
After you migrate it, you will get a file called TopLevelObjects in the reports folder.
As the name says, it details information about top level objects, what is a top level object? They are those objects, the main ones that contain smaller objects or declarations. For example, a Create Table, Create View, and Create Procedure are top level objects.
Now, the file has the following Columns
FileType | ObjectName | HighLevelObject | ObjectDb | FileName | LineNumber | LinesOfCode | HighestEWISeverity | ConversionStatus | EWIs | UDFsUsed | NameOfUDFFiles | ConversionPercentage | EWIsNumber |
Title | PERIOD_INTERVAL_BEGIN | CREATE / REPLACE VIEW | SNOWCONVERT | Example.sq | 1 | 18 | Low | Fully Converted | MSCEWI2026 | MSCEWI3045 | PERIOD_BEGIN_UDF | INSTR | PERIOD_UDF.sql | INSTR_UDF.sql | 100% | 6 |
Let's take a look at each column and what it tell us.
It gives the type of file where the top level objects is located. The types can be FLOAD, BTEQ, MLOAD, TPUMP and SQL.
It's the name of the top level object. (Name of a CREATE TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, etc).
It indicates what kind of top level objects is the data related to the row.
The name of the file in which the top level object is located. Uses the relative path starting from the input directory.
It indicates at which line the top level object starts or is located.
It indicates how many lines of code the top level object has.
In case there are EWIs, that display the highest severity, the order is LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH and CRITICAL.
It shows the result of the conversion. The status can be Fully Converted Not Converted Partially Converted Error Transformation Error Parsing Unknown status.
It shows all the EWIs that are related to a top level object.
It shows all the User Defined Functions that are being used in the top level object.
It shows all the files that are related to the top level objects.
It shows how much of the code is being converted.
It shows how many EWIs were found in a top level object.
It shows the deployment order of a top level object regarding the other objects in the same file.
Understanding the Information
Now, from the TopLebelObjecs report, let's see what information we can get.
There is an Object of Type CREATE / REPLACE VIEW named PERIOD_INTERVAL_BEGIN, which starts at line 1 in a. SQL file. The database is SNOWCONVERT and looks like we found 6 EWIs. The Highest EWI found has LOW severity and the EWIS are
Notice that there are just 2, but it says that are 6 EWIs. It means that there are duplicates, The EWIs column will only show one for each EWI. Now, there are a few UDFs being used, these are
If we want to check what are these UDF, we can find them in the following files
And finally, the ConversionPercent is 100% and the ConversionStatus is Fully Converted.
Last updated