Details about the releases of Snowflake SnowConvert for Teradata during 2023.
This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.
Release 4.1.9 - December 19th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 27.1.20
Fixes and improvements:
Support DAYOFMONTH function
Release 4.0.350 - December 5th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 27.0.11
Fixes and improvements:
Fix exception thrown on for loops.
Fix perfomance issue with nested queries.
Release 4.0.339 - November 22nd, 2023
SnowConvert Core 23.0.6
Fixes and improvements:
Fix CAST to date with the format specified first not converted correctly
Fix parsing errors related to data type attributes and range
Release 4.0.339 - November 22nd, 2023
SnowConvert Core 23.0.6
Fixes and improvements:
Fix CAST to date with the format specified first not converted correctly
Fix parsing errors related to data type attributes and range
Release 4.0.337 - November 15th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.5.27
Fixes and improvements:
Fix the conversion of CAST inside TRIM and CAST AS TIMESTAMP ignoring the precision
Fix inconsistencies in the report's Issues Breakdown section
Release 4.0.333 - November 8th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.5.10
Fixes and improvements:
Fix the Symbol table not solving correctly the types when casting
Fix MSCEWI1095 disappearance when the --renamingFile flag was being used in Linux
Fix UseCharactersConversionRate and UseLinesOfCodeConversionRate reporting always OFF
Fix CREATE TABLE with a duplicated UNIQUE INDEX clause
Fix Comparison Operator NE not migrated to <> Operator
Release 4.0.320 - November 1st, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.4.17
Fixes and improvements:
Fix default ordering direction in RANK() function conversion
Release 4.0.317 - October 25th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.4.2
Fixes and improvements:
Fix incorrect NAMED phrase conversion
Optimize local symbols resolution for query scope
Improve friendly name for MSCEWI1050 and docx report
Release 4.0.306 - October 18th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.3.4
Fixes and improvements:
Transformation for output parameters with dynamic result sets
Fix CAST delimiting inside boolean operations
Fix Parsing Error in CAST of FORMAT DATE
Commenting the statement HELP STATISTICS
Release 4.0.292 - October 11th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.2.137
Fixes and improvements:
SnowConvert banker's rounding removed as PrPr in reports for Snowflake.
Fix count of data type attributes inside procedures.
Improve parsing of TPT's APPLY statement to avoid exceptions
Release 4.0.287 October 4th, 2023
Support for WHERE conditions in IMPORT APPLY for MLOAD scripts
Release 4.0.282 - September 27th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.2.90
SplitPeriodDatatype and DisableTopologicalLevelReorder parameters to Assessment.json report
Fixes and improvements:
Fix Complex Pattern Issue showing for subqueries related to EXISTS/ NOT EXISTS, SOME
Fix Complex Pattern Issue showing for subqueries related to IN/NOT IN, ALL/ANY
Release 4.0.278 - September 20th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.2.73
Report MSCEWI2091 when an ambiguous CAST or FUNCTION call is found
Fixes and improvements:
Improve the report of MSCEWI1039 with additional information for CREATE TABLE
Preserve EWIs in subqueries within CREATE VIEW WHERE clauses, ensuring consistent conversion rates.
Release 4.0.277 - September 13th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.2.63
Add an option to disable the topological level reorder. For more information, review the following documentation.
Fix the reordering code option when it is not required
Fixes and improvements:
Improve the process translation for conditional operations that use implicit CAST statements
Fix return statement that is transformed in order to support output parameters with original and equivalent values
Release 4.0.266 - September 7th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.2.48
Support WITH DEFAULT clause in columns
Fixes and improvements:
Fix SQLCODE initialization
Release 4.0.259 - August 30th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.2.30
Implement Case-Insensitive Validation for Table Aliases on Update Statements
Support DECLARE CURSORS defined with CTE
Fixes and improvements:
Fix conversion exception while transforming CURRENT_TIME function cast to TIME
Release 4.0.253 - August 23rd, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.2.9
Support Reset When node when a conditional window function is a column
Fixes and improvements:
Improve transformation binary operations with Intervals
Release 4.0.241 - August 16th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.0.47
Fixes and improvements:
Fix different DML LABEL statements output order
Parse DISABLE as an identifier
Comment out CREATE INDEX statement
Fix stack overflow being thrown in postfix expression
Fix exception thrown when converting UPDATE with string types and PIVOT without column name
Release 4.0.232 - August 3rd, 2023
SnowConvert Core 22.0.17
Fixes and improvements:
Improve EWI mechanism for better consistency
Release 4.0.226 - July 28th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 21.0.165
Fixes and improvements:
Correcting license registration in CLI executable
Release 4.0.222 - July 26th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 21.0.165
Add transformation to Python for the BTEQ REPEAT statement
Release 4.0.219 - July 19th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 21.0.153
Add support for the USING REQUEST MODIFIER Bteq special syntax
Transformation for USING in INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT queries for Bteq
Fixes and improvements:
Remove generation of HtmlReport for all conversions and assessments
Parse SAVEPOINT as an identifier
Include conversion settings in the Assessment Report to view the selected conversion language such as JavaScript and Snowflake Scripting
Triggers represented as Top Level Objects in the Assessment Report
Improve exception handling
Release 4.0.194 - July 5th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 21.0.107
Fixes and improvements:
Parse SAVEPOINT as an identifier
Include conversion settings in the Assessment Report to view the selected conversion language such as JavaScript and Snowflake Scripting
Triggers represented as Top Level Objects in the Assessment Report
Improve exception handling
Release 4.0.183 - June 29th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 21.0.93
Fixes and improvements:
Update the license mechanism to a more secure compliant mechanism
Count of join indexes that reference multiple objects added to the assessment report
Support IMPORT, LAYOUT, and DML LABEL in MLOAD to Snowflake Scripting
Support Upsert labels in MLOAD to Snowflake Scripting
Support for NullExpr conditions in MLOAD fields converted to Python
Fixed script conversion rate accuracy with script breakdown
Fixed name column being changed in subquery with a similar name as an alias in the parent query
Fixed parsing error on SEL INTO statement where the variable has a ":"
Release 4.0.133 - June 14th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 21.0.52
Fixes and improvements:
DML LABEL was being transformed differently on Mac and Windows
Support for output parameters in Teradata Procedures
Modify mechanism to upload SQL SnowConvert assessment metadata
Release 4.0.123 - June 8th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 21.0.43
Fixes and improvements:
The correct conversion rate of tables with low EWIs present
The object conversion rate in tables is not 100% with only low EWIs present
The object conversion rate in procedures is 100% when MSCCP0001 is present
The object conversion rate in procedures is not 100% when no EWIs present
The object conversion rate in procedures is not 100% with only low EWIs present
The object conversion rate in views is not 100% with only low EWIs present
EWIs inconsistency in views
Partial support for EXPORT OUTFILE statement
Comparisons for strings columns with trailing spaces to have the same behavior as the original code. RTRIM function added to ignore trailing spaces.
The LOC conversion rate for Join Indexes when found inside a top-level object
Shell variables in Python scripts
Release 4.0.104 - May 24th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 20.4.20
Update UI and CLI BteqTargetLanguage conversion parameters to include MLOAD
Support BEGIN LOADING for FLOAD to Python
Support DEFINE COLUMN for FLOAD to Python
Support SET RECORD for FLOAD to Python
Fixes and improvements:
Fix the wrong LOC Conversion Summary value shown in the UI summary window
Fix EWIs inconsistency in Tables
Fix parsing errors caused by precedence
Fix parsing error caused by CALLED identifier
Release 4.0.99 - May 10th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 20.2.8
Support MLOAD scripts to be migrated to Snowflake Scripting
Fixes and improvements:
Fix critical exception while converting CAST statements for datatypes with precision zero
Fix transformation errors and conversion rates in VIEWS
Fix error caused by adding two interval types as an alias
Fix TPUMP DML Labels that were not being converted correctly
Release 4.0.87 - May 3rd, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.4.127
Fixes and improvements:
Fix Procedures conversion rate caused by ElseIf not being marked as converted
GOTO to an endif is now commented due to not being necessary after the inversion of the bool expression inside the if, for more information visit the documentation MSCEWI2087
Fix parsing errors related to hexadecimal delimiters such as 09'XC' inside IMPORT statements
Add missing MSCEWI1020 to GETQUERYBANDVALUE function
Removes UDFs from not supported functions, they are marked now only with the MSCEWI1073
Release 4.0.78 - April 26th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.4.108
Translation for FROM_BYTES function
Fixes and improvements:
Fix for MSCEWI2030 inconsistencies
Fix shell variables not being converted correctly
Fix for invalid Update query transformed after optimization
Fix for Named syntax misplaced
Fix for Alias misplaced
Fix for To_Timestamp misplaced
Release 4.0.73 - April 17th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.4.86
Support for dynamic names for variables in MLoad layout
Support * comments for Teradata Scripts
Fixes and improvements:
Misplaced parenthesis for IN conditional
Performance improvement during the assessment step when no network connection was found
Fix a critical exception while migrating the RUN statement
Invalid exception handling in COMPRESS statement
Release 4.0.60 - April 12th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.4.67
Count for Temporary Tables in Assessment.docx
Add EWI to invalid subqueries
Fixes and improvements:
Goto transformation in Bteq files
Label not capturing query fields in MultiLoad files
Replacing branding Mobilize.Net by Snowflake
Invalid MERGE transformation UPDATE/INSERT
Remove duplicate DROP in MultiLoad files
Release 4.0.40 - April 3rd, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.4.32
Fixes and improvements:
Create Table Fallback as a variable not supported
Bteq Binding Variables are giving parsing errors
TD_SYSFNLIB.SIGN function is not converted
Performance improvement on the UPDATE statement
TPump Field Start Position Parameter giving parsing error
Fixed up bash variable rename in Bteq
File route giving parsing errors in IMPORT MultiLoad files
Release 4.0.35 - March 28th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.4.1
Support for GetQueryBandValue, it is now transformed to GETQUERYBANDVALUE_UDF
Fixes and improvements:
Implement WHERE clause in APPLY statement for MultiLoad files
Comment SYSTEM_DEFINED statement inside JOIN INDEX because is nonrelevant in Snowflake
Fix temporal qualifier parsing error inside JOIN INDEX
Fix cero object conversion rate while migrating MERGE with INSERT statements
LOCK clause is no longer removed, now is commented
Release 4.0.29 - March 20th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.2.90
Make a general fix for Assessment issues for rules with multiple contracts
Fixes and improvements:
Comment IMPORT INMOD optional argument
Improve BTEQ error handling for Python
Release 4.0.27 - March 16th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.2.84
Fixes and improvements:
RUN statement parsing error for MLOAD, FLOAD, and TPUMP
Bteq file was not generated due rule exception
Macro reports double MSCEWI2054
Translation for CAST(column AS DECIMAL(16,3)) when a column is a VARCHAR is no longer translated to TO_NUMBER, the statement is supported for Snowflake without modifications
Release 4.0.18 - March 8th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.2.54
Add new DB Object Name conversion setting for the custom schema option, now when activated in combination with custom schema it allows to preserve the Teradata database as a Snowflake database, take the following example when selected PUBLIC as the new schema with this new option
Add the DB Object Name conversion setting Schema for the UI version, when selected now appears the checkbox option 'Keep Teradata database as Snowflake data warehouse', for more information on how to use it check the documentation
Add to the CLI version the option --DisplaceDatabaseAsSchema, for more information on how to use it check the documentation
Release 4.0.13 - March 7th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.2.44
Add ErrorLOC, ScriptObjectConversionRate and BteqUnrecognizedObjectsCount to Assessment.csv report
Fixes and improvements:
Table with MAP causing cero object conversion rate
Release 4.0.9 - February 27th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.2.40
Support P_INTERSET operator
Support OVERLAPS operator
Add a section for the counting of CURSORS and nested CURSORS for the Assessment.docx report
Add a section for the counting of SUBQUERIES and CORRELATED SUBQUERIES for the Assessment.docx report
Fixes and improvements:
Queries with repetitive binding parameters now use the same reference instead of creating a new one
SUBSTRING with index < 1 not generating SUBSTR_UDF
Fix statements disappearing after a COLLECT STATISTIC statement, now the COLLECT STATISTIC is migrated as a commented unsupported clause instead of being removed.
Fix LOC conversion rate over 100% in Assessment.docx due to the double counting of lines when a table was inside a procedure
Fix TIMESTAMP_DIFFERENCE_UDF multiple inconsistencies while calculating seconds differences
Release 4.0.3 - February 13th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 18.2.4
Support for the basic case of PIVOT with column aliases
Fixes and improvements:
Improve efficiency in TIMESTAMP_DIFFERENCE_UDF by using DATEDIFF
Fix compilation error of PERIOD_UDF and EXPAND_ON_UDF in Snowflake
Support for JSON data insertion and dot notation
Conversion of JSON_CHECK function
Conversion of TRANSLATE function using LATIN_TO_UNICODE argument
Release 3.0.295 - January 31st, 2023
SnowConvert Core 15.0.31
Fixes and improvements:
Increase the coverage for JSON dot notation, all the uses are now converted to use JSON_EXTRACT_DOT_NOTATION_UDF
INT2HEX_UDF now supports null parameter
The word 'INS' can now be used as a label name for the .LABEL statement inside scripts
Vulnerability reduction patch included.
Release 3.0.282 - January 17th, 2023
SnowConvert Core 13.0.110
Support DAYNUMBER_OF_MONTH function optional parameter ISO, it is now transformed to DAYNUMBER_OF_MONTH_ISO_UDF
Support NVP function, it is now transformed to NVP_UDF
Support JSONExtractValue, JSONExtractLargeValue, and JSONExtract functions, they are now transformed to JSON_EXTRACT_UDF
Separated SnowScripting migration parameters for scripts and procedures/macros, for an in-depth explanation, visit the documentation
Fixes and improvements:
Removed the deprecated conversion parameters --snowscript and --disableSnowScript from the CLI, their functionality is now separated into two parameters --PLTargetLanguage and --bteqTargetLanguage
Last updated