Issues and Troubleshooting
In this section, you will find information about Errors, Warnings, and Issues on the SnowConvert.
This is a deprecated version of the SnowConvert documentation, please visit the official site HERE.
Before we get too far down the troubleshooting road, recall that we highly recommend that you go through our training labs in order to get the most out of SnowConvert.
Conversions of any large quantity of code will likely have a few errors and warnings. When using any of our tools, you can count on us to be your partner in resolving any errors you may encounter.
Below is a list of specific conversion issues for Oracle that you may see when you perform conversion with SnowConvert along with a severity level for each. Some suggested solution paths based on the severity level will follow the list of codes.
Take a minute to read through the list and the troubleshooting tips to help diagnose some of the error codes you have encountered. If you have a question that cannot be answered here, please reach out! You can drop us an email at This is a living list, so it will grow and change as SnowConvert evolves. Updates to issue and error handling will appear on this page, and will also appear in the release notes.
Issues Code
Here is the list of issue codes that exist in the SnowConvert for the Oracle platform. A detailed description of each issue code with its respective severity level can be seen in the following table.
Code | Description | Severity |
The create sequence 'start with' statement value can not be LIMIT VALUE | Medium | |
Foreign key mismatch | Medium | |
OUTER JOIN syntax changed | Low | |
Syntax not supported | High | |
The format may be needed | Low | |
Timestamp output format | Low | |
Different output | Low | |
Unknown format | Low | |
JSON_TABLE not supported | High | |
XMLTABLE not supported | High | |
Format parameter not supported | Medium | |
Call specification not supported | Medium | |
NLS Parameter not supported | Medium | |
NLSSORT not supported | Medium | |
NLSSORT transformed | Low | |
Xml not supported | Medium | |
DBTIMEZONE removed | Low | |
Snowflake does not support occurrence parameter | Low | |
USING NCHAR_CS not supported | Low | |
Negative values not supported for function | Medium | |
SQL implicit cursor values may differ | Low | |
Siblings not supported | Low | |
RANK AGGREGATE function not supported | High | |
Table properties not required | Low | |
Synonyms not supported | Low | |
Rowid not supported | Medium | |
Rownum not supported | Medium | |
Multiset operator not supported | Medium | |
The default value on conversion error, not supported | Medium | |
Keep statement used to indicate that only the first or last values of the aggregate function will be returned is not supported | Medium | |
Not suitable function found to replace the input parameter for SYSCONTEXT | Medium | |
The specified parameter for the function is not supported | Medium | |
PLDeclaration in WITH statement not supported | Medium | |
Package Procedure/Function declaration heading not necessary | Low | |
The table collection expression is not supported | High | |
Arithmetic types not supported | Medium | |
Using index constraint state removed | Low | |
Search clause removed | Low | |
Cycle clause removed | Low | |
Statements and keywords removed from the column definition | Low | |
Enable or disable constraint state removed | Low | |
Model clause removed | Low | |
Create table statements removed | Low | |
Sequence option removed | Low | |
Missing dependencies objects | Low | |
Alter Table syntax is not applicable in Snowflake | Medium | |
TO_NCHAR transformed to TO_VARCHAR | Low | |
Function language not supported. | High | |
Package member not supported | Medium | |
Call to User Defined function not supported inside queries | High | |
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT Not Supported | Low | |
Exception declaration is handled by the raise function | Low | |
User defined function was transformed to Snowflake procedure | Low | |
Package constant declaration | Low | |
Wrapped element not supported | Medium | |
Object versioning is not supported | Low | |
Nested Procedure or Function not supported | Medium | |
Date format session parameter | Low | |
Alter session configuration is not supported | Medium | |
Default value for SYSDATE is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Low | |
Column was transformed from DATE to TIMESTAMP | Low | |
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS session parameter not supported | Medium | |
Query using WITH TIES clause is missing ORDER BY | Low | |
Snowflake default calendar is Gregorian. It is not necessary to specify as a parameter | Low | |
NOCYCLE property is not supported | Medium | |
Add to stack of errors is not supported, boolean argument was removed | Low | |
Multiple Constraint Definition in a single statement is not supported in Snowflake | Medium | |
The create sequence 'start with' statement value exceeds the max value allowed by Snowflake. | Medium | |
CURRVAL property is not supported in Snowflake | Medium | |
Binary Operation Not Supported | Medium | |
Set Quantifier Not Supported | Low | |
Procedural Member not supported | Medium | |
Create Database Link Not Supported | Low | |
Create Index Not Supported | High | |
Labels in statements not supported | Medium | |
Built In Package Not Supported | Medium | |
Semantic information missing for ROWTYPE attribute | Low | |
Unable to parse dynamic SQL statement inside Execute Immediate | Medium | |
INSTR function converted to REGEXP_INSTR | Low | |
Create Type Not Supported | High | |
Snowflake Non-Ansi Outer Join has some functional differences compared to Oracle | Low | |
Cannot Convert Nested Type Attribute Expression | Medium | |
Unsupported format used for Trunc function | Low | |
Snowflake does not have a PURGE clause inside the DROP TABLE statement | Low | |
CASCADE CONSTRAINTS modified inside DROP TABLE statement to CASCADE | Low | |
Window frame output may not be equivalent | Low | |
Ordering of the Outer Joins failed | Low | |
Condition with unknown table name for outer join with (+) | Low | |
REGEXP_LIKE_UDF match parameter may not behave correctly | Low | |
Non-Ansi Outer Join has an invalid Between predicate | Low | |
LENGTHB transformed to OCTET_LENGTH results may vary due to memory management of DBMS | Low | |
Number datatype negative scale was removed from output | Low | |
Number datatype smaller precision was increased to match scale | Low | |
ROWID pseudocolumn is not supported in Snowflake | Medium | |
Operation Between Interval and Date Type not Supported | Medium | |
Interval Literal Not Supported In Current Scenario | High | |
Procedure Properties are Not Supported in Snowflake Procedures | Low | |
MSCEWI3098 | The Not Null constraint is not supported in variable declarations inside procedures in Snowflake | Low |
Exception declaration code exceeds the Snowflake Scripting exception number limits | Low | |
For Loop with multiple conditions is currently not supported by Snowflake Scripting. Only first condition is used | Low | |
Specific For Lopp clause is currently not supported by Snowflake Scripting | Low | |
For Loop with float number as bound may not behave correctly in Snowflake Scripting | Low | |
For Loop format is currently not supported by Snowflake Scripting | High | |
Unusable collection variable | High | |
Additional work is needed for BFILE column usage. BUILD_STAGE_URL function is a recommended workaround | Low | |
Parametrized Cursor is not supported by Snowflake Scripting | High | |
Label declaration not supported | Low | |
The following assignment statement is not supported by Snowflake Scripting | Medium | |
Expressions as arguments of using clause are not supported by Snowflake Scripting | Medium | |
For update clause is not supported by Snowflake Scripting | Low | |
Transaction control statement requires additional intervention | Medium | |
DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE Built-In Package precision is lower in Snowflake | Low | |
The error logging clause in DML statements is not supported by Snowflake | Medium | |
Snowflake merge statement may have some functional differences compared to Oracle | Low | |
Check UDF implementation DBMS_OUTPUT.PUTLINE | Low | |
Operations between Intervals are not supported | Medium | |
Day format works differently between Oracle and Snowflake. | Low | |
Built-In views are not supported | Medium | |
Supplemental logging clause commented out | Low | |
Unnecessary built-in packages parameters | Low | |
Package Variable Assignment transformation | Low | |
Database Link connections not supported | Medium | |
Default Value Not Found For Parameter | Medium | |
Built-in package custom type changed to VARIANT | Low | |
Unusable object because its built-in custom type is not supported | Medium | |
Column alias removed | Low | |
Boolean cursor attribute is not supported | Medium | |
TYPE attribute could not be resolved | Low | |
For Loop and Fetch into variable cannot be used on the same cursor | Medium | |
COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements require the appropiate setup to work as intended | Low | |
COMMIT and ROLLBACK option were removed because Snowflake does not require them | Low | |
Cursor variable has already been assigned | Medium | |
Data Retention Period May Produce No Results | Low |
Issues Severity
In this section, you can find an explanation of the severities.
Warnings for source code that there was no direct conversion to Snowflake. The code has been converted to a functionally equivalent output but should still be reviewed.
Errors that produce a functional or runtime difference. The user may have to invest a low amount of manual effort to complete the conversion.
Errors that produce a functional or runtime difference. The user may have to invest a high amount of manual effort to complete the conversion.
Parsing errors or errors that cause significant conversion exceptions in SnowConvert. If the source code is correct, a significant intervention will be required.
Need more support?
As has been mentioned previously in this article, please reach out to us if you need more support. Snowflake wants to be your partner in the conversion process, so let us know how we can help. You can email us at If you have a contract for support with Snowflake, reach out to your sales engineer and they can direct your support needs.
Last updated