Output Code

Is it really converted?

The Output folder from the conversion mode of the SMA is available as soon as the Conversion execution completes. This will contain the output code.

It's important to note how the output code is structured before we dive into the code itself.

Output Code File Structure

Recall that any executions by the SMA are connected to a project. This project's information is stored in a project file. A project can have multiple executions of the SMA associated with it.

If you first ran the assessment, then a folder was created in the output directory you specified in the Project Setup page. This directory contains all of the reports and logs generated by the SMA in assessment mode. When you move on to Conversion, another folder is created in the in the output directory you specified in the Conversion Setup page. This will contain all of the reports and logs generated by the SMA in conversion mode. These folders will be named Assessment and Conversion:

When you select View Output in the Conversion Results Page, you will be taken to the Conversion-Date-Time -> Output folder. (Note that this folder also exists for the Assessment-Date-Time folder, but only the demo code appears in the output directory. More on the demo code can be seen in the Sample Project section of this documentation.)

The structure of the output code directory will mirror exactly the structure of the input directory. The same folders and subfolders with the same code files will be recreated in the output directory.

Filenames will also be exactly the same as they were in the input. If there was a file titled Notebook_1 in the source, there will be a file named Notebook_1 in the output. This file in the output will be the converted code.

More to come.

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