What's next for the Accelerator?
The Snowpark Migration Accelerator (SMA) team is always at work improving the tool. You can see the evidence of that in the Release Notes.
The SMA team is constantly receiving feedback on how to improve the tool. This roadmap reflects that tool. This will continue to evolve over time.
Coming Soon
Initial set of conversion elements for SparkML to SnowparkML
Initial set of converted elements for Pandas and PySpark Pandas to Snowpark
Improved categorization of import libraries
Conversion walkthrough in the docs
Additional readiness/conversion indicators beyond the Readiness Score including
Third party indicator on the compatibility of third party code libraries
Parsing Score
SQL Conversion Score
CLI Version of the Workspace Estimator (WE)
Airflow inventory and analysis
Conversion of Spark SQL to Snowflake SQL embedded in Python and Scala code and notebooks
Conversion of HiveQL to Snowflake SQL embedded in Python and Scala code and notebooks
Workspace Estimator (WE) script available on the Snowflake Labs Git Repository
Availability in the Workspace Estimator (WE) calculator
Workspace Estimator (WE) analysis of EMR and Cloudera
A version of the SMA running in your Snowflake account
An Interactive Assessment Application available for analysis of the output of the SMA.
Feature Requests
If there's something you'd like to see incorporated into the SMA, we want to know! You can let us know by:
posting to the Spark Migration forum in the Snowflake Community.
reporting an issue (or a feature request) in the SMA.
sending an email to
Let us know how this tool can continue to improve.
Last updated