
Message: The argument of the pyspark.context.SparkContext.setLogLevel function is not a literal value and therefore could not be evaluated

Category: Warning


This issue appears when the SMA detects the use of the pyspark.context.SparkContext.setLogLevel function with an argument that is not a literal value, for example, when the argument is a variable.

The SMA does a static analysis of your source code and therefore it is not possible to evaluate the content of that argument and determine an equivalent in Snowpark.



In this example the logLevel is defined in the variable my_log_level, then my_log_level used as parameter by the setLogLevel method.

my_log_level = "WARN"


SMA is unable to evaluate the argument for the log level parameter, so the EWI SPRKPY1078 is added over the line of the transformed logging:

my_log_level = "WARN"
#EWI: SPRKPY1078 => my_log_level is not a literal value and therefore could not be evaluated. Make sure the value of my_log_level is a valid level in Snowpark. Valid log levels are: logging.CRITICAL, logging.DEBUG, logging.ERROR, logging.INFO, logging.NOTSET, logging.WARNING
logging.basicConfig(stream = sys.stdout, level = my_log_level)

Recommended fix

Even though the SMA was unable to evaluate the argument, it will transform the pyspark.context.SparkContext.setLogLevel function into the Snowpark equivalent. Please make sure the value of the level argument in the generated output code is a valid and equivalent log level in Snowpark according to the table below:

Thus the recommended fix will looks like:

my_log_level = logging.WARNING
logging.basicConfig(stream = sys.stdout, level = my_log_level)

Additional recommendations

Last updated