
This issue code has been deprecated since Spark Conversion Core 4.12.0

Message: pyspark.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter.option is not supported.

Category: Warning


The pyspark.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter.option function is not supported.


Input code

Below is an example using the option method, this method is used to add additional configurations when writing the data of a DataFrame.

path_csv_file = "/path/to/file.csv"
data = [
        ("John", 30, "New York"),
        ("Jane", 25, "San Francisco")

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=["Name", "Age", "City"])

df.write.option("header", True).csv(csv_file_path)
df.write.option("sep", ";").option("lineSep","-").csv(csv_file_path)

Output code

The tool adds this EWI SPRKPY1084 on the output code to let you know that this function is not supported by Snowpark.

path_csv_file = "/path/to/file.csv"
data = [
        ("John", 30, "New York"),
        ("Jane", 25, "San Francisco")

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=["Name", "Age", "City"])

#EWI: SPRKPY1084 => The pyspark.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter.option function is not supported.

df.write.option("header", True).csv(csv_file_path)
#EWI: SPRKPY1084 => The pyspark.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter.option function is not supported.
df.write.option("sep", ";").option("lineSep","-").csv(csv_file_path)

Recommended fix

The pyspark.sql.readwriter.DataFrameWriter.option method does not have a recommended fix.

Additional recommendations

Last updated