Not all usages of get or set methods are going to have an EWI in the output code. This EWI appears when the tool detects the usage of these methods with a Platform specific key which is not supported.
Scenario 1
Below is an example of the get or set methods with supported keys in Snowpark.
The tool adds this EWI SPRKPY1058 on the output code to let you know that these methods are not supported with a Platform specific key.
data =
("John", 30, "New York"),
("Jane", 25, "San Francisco")
#EWI: SPRKPY1058 => pyspark.sql.conf.RuntimeConfig.set method with this "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions" Platform specific key is not supported.
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "50")
#EWI: SPRKPY1058 => pyspark.sql.conf.RuntimeConfig.set method with this "" Platform specific key is not supported.
spark.conf.set("", "1g")
#EWI: SPRKPY1058 => pyspark.sql.conf.RuntimeConfig.get method with this "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions" Platform specific key is not supported.
#EWI: SPRKPY1058 => pyspark.sql.conf.RuntimeConfig.get method with this "" Platform specific key is not supported.
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=["Name", "Age", "City"])
Recommended fix
The recommended fix is to remove these methods.
data =
("John", 30, "New York"),
("Jane", 25, "San Francisco")
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=["Name", "Age", "City"])