SQL Embedded code
Transform the SQL Code embedded in your Scala / Python Code
The current use case supported by SMA is the pyspark.sql function.
There are instances where the Python or Scala code has embedded SQL code that requires transformation. SMA parses embedded SQL code in the following extensions:
Python files (.py)
Scala files (.scala)
Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb)
Databricks (.python, .scala)
Databricks Notebooks (.dbc)
Embedded SQL Code transformation Samples
Supported Case
Using a spark.sql function on Python:
Unsupported Cases
When the SMA identifies an unsupported case, it generates an EWI in the output code.
Some unsupported scenarios are:
Using string variables with SQL Code:
Using basic concatenation to create SQL code:
Using interpolations to create SQL code:
Using functions that create SQL queries:
Unsupported Cases and EWI messages
In Scala code the error code for unsupported embedded SQL is SPRKSCL1173
For Python code the error code for unsupported embedded SQL is SPRKPY1077
Last updated