Below is an example of a use of the pyspark.sql.column.Column.getItem function that generates this EWI. In this example, the getItem function is used to get an item by position and by key.
The SMA adds the EWI SPRKPY1039 to the output code to let you know that this function is not directly supported by Snowpark, but it has a workaround.
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, ["apple", "banana", "orange"]), (2, ["carrot", "avocado", "banana"])], ["id", "fruits"])
#EWI: SPRKPY1039 => pyspark.sql.column.Column.getItem has a workaround, see documentation for more info
df.withColumn("first_fruit", col("fruits").getItem(0))
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, {"apple": 10, "banana": 20}), (2, {"carrot": 15, "grape": 25}), (3, {"pear": 30, "apple": 35})], ["id", "fruit_quantities"])
#EWI: SPRKPY1039 => pyspark.sql.column.Column.getItem has a workaround, see documentation for more info
df.withColumn("apple_quantity", col("fruit_quantities").getItem("apple"))
Recommended fix
As a workaround, you can use the Snowpark column indexer operator with the name or position of the field as the index.