Linux Installation

Install the SMA on a Linux machine

Install the Snowpark Migration Accelerator (SMA) by following the steps below. It's important to note that the SMA can be installed as an application or a CLI for Windows and Mac, but not for Linux. The SMA is only available as a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool in Linux.

If you do not have access to the CLI, you can learn more about accessing the SMA on the Download and Access page of this documentation.

Linux Command Line Interface (CLI)

NOTE: The SMA CLI and the SnowConvert CLI are currently a single combined CLI. You will see references to SnowConvert below and the name of the CLI will reflect that it is the SnowConvert CLI. This is expected. The CLI's for both products are planned to be separated.

Follow the steps below to install the SMA CLI on a Linux machine.

  1. Verify that you have the correct corresponding installation file for the CLI version. (See more about downloading the SMA on the Download and Access page.)

  2. Run the following commands in a terminal in the directory where the snow-convert.tar file is located to install the CLI and configure it so that the command snowct is recognized by your terminal no matter where you are. Note that you might need to execute these commands with sudo.

sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/.snow-convert
sudo tar -xf snow-convert.tar -C /usr/local/share/.snow-convert
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/.snow-convert/orchestrator/snowct /usr/local/bin/snowct

If you've setup the CLI, you can move on to the user guide that walks you through using the SMA.

If the version of the Snowpark Migration Accelerator you have installed is outdated, there will be a notification in the top right corner indicating updates are available. Click on "UPDATE NOW" to download the latest version. Once the download completes, you will get a prompt to install the update.

If you had an issue with installation, please reach out to

Last updated