
Install the SMA

When you download the Snowpark Migration Accelerator (SMA), you are downloading the installer. Since the SMA is a locally run application, how you install the tool depends on your operating system. The tool can be installed on Windows, MacOS, or Linux machines. On the next few pages are guides to install the application for each OS.

Installation Guides

Before you start installing, make sure you've checked the system requirements posted on the download page.

Follow the steps in each guide depending on your OS.

Once you've installed the SMA, head over to the user guide for more information on how to use the application.

If the version of the Snowpark Migration Accelerator you have installed is outdated, there will be a notification in the top right corner indicating updates are available. Click on "UPDATE NOW" to download the latest version. Once the download completes, you will get a prompt to install the update. You can also use the Check for updates option in the tool's menu to update.

Last updated