
This issue code has been deprecated

Message: pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession.Builder.appName has a workaround, see documentation for more info

Category: Warning


This issue appears when the SMA detects a use of the pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession.Builder.appName function, which has a workaround.



Below is an example of a use of the pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession.Builder.appName function that generates this EWI. In this example, the appName function is used to set MyApp as the name of the application.

session = SparkSession.builder.appName("MyApp").getOrCreate()


The SMA adds the EWI SPRKPY1030 to the output code to let you know that this function is not directly supported by Snowpark, but it has a workaround.

#EWI: SPRKPY1030 => pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession.Builder.appName has a workaround, see documentation for more info
session = Session.builder.appName("MyApp").getOrCreate()

Recommended fix

As a workaround, you can import the snowpark_extensions package which provides an extension for the appName function.

import snowpark_extensions
session = SessionBuilder.appName("MyApp").getOrCreate()

Additional recommendations

Last updated