pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession.sparkContext has workaround


This issue appears when the tool detects the usage of pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession.sparkContext which has a workaround.

Input code:

print("APP Name :"+spark.sparkContext.appName())

Output code:

#EWI: SPRKPY1049 => pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession.sparkContext has a workaround, see documentation for more info
print("APP Name :"+spark.sparkContext.appName())


property SparkSession.sparkContext

Action: SparkContext is not supported in SnowPark but you can access the methods and properties from SparkContext directly from the Session instance.


# Pyspark
print("APP Name :"+spark.sparkContext.appName())

can be used in SnowPark removing the sparkContext as:

#Manual adjustment in SnowPark
print("APP Name :"+spark.appName());


  • For more support, you can email us at snowconvert-info@snowflake.com. If you have a contract for support with Snowflake, reach out to your sales engineer and they can direct your support needs.

Last updated