
What is an issue? And how do you get started Troubleshooting the output?

The Snowpark Migration Accelerator (SMA) is designed to report "issues" to you regarding the code that it migrates. At it's core, it is both an accelerator AND a troubleshooter. The SMA is designed to convert what it can, but also to tell you everything that it can about what it cannot convert.

What is an issue?

An "issue" for the Snowpark Migration Accelerator (SMA) could mean a couple of things: it could be that the tool failed or crashed and there was an issue completing the tool's execution.

Problem Executing the Tool

The first type of issue is when the tool fails.

Indicator on the Issue Output

The tool also identifies "issues" in the conversion of the input codebase. These issues are divided into three section designed to help the user complete the migration.

More to come on the issues.

Last updated