Supported Filetypes

What will the SMA accept as an input?

The Snowpark Migration Accelerator (SMA) will scan every file that is present in the source directory, regardless of file type. There is a basic file summary that will report how many of each file extension was found.

However, only the following file types are scanned for references to the Spark API:

  • For Spark Scala:

    • *.scala

    • *.ipynb

    • *.dbc

  • For PySpark:

    • *.py

    • *.python

    • *.ipynb

    • *.dbc

Both the Spark Scala and PySpark parsers in the SMA will search Jupyter Notebook files (*.ipynb) and exported databricks (*.dbc) files when included in the source code directory.

Note that SQL files (*.sql) and SQL cells in a notebook file (either *.ipynb or *.dbc) are also processed by the tool. These files will be scanned for SQL elements.

Last updated