Element is not recognized

Message: < element > is not recognized, Pandas element is not recognized yet.

Category: Conversion error.


This issue appears when there is a Pandas element that is not yet recognized by the SMA.


This issue can occur for different reasons, such as:

  • An element that does not exist in Pandas.

  • An element that was added in a Pandas version that the SMA does not yet support.

  • An internal error of the SMA when processing the element.

Scenario 1


Below is an example of an element that does not exist in Pandas.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "Age": [25, 30, 35],
        "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"],



Since the element does not exist in Pandas, the tool adds the EWI on the output code.

import snowflake.snowpark.modin.pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "Age": [25, 30, 35],
        "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"],

#EWI: PNDSPY1003 => pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.non_existent_function is not yet recognized

Recommended fix

Check the Pandas documentation to verify if the element exists in Pandas.

If it is a valid Pandas element, please report that you encountered a conversion error on that particular element using the Report an Issue option in the SMA and include any additional information that you think may be helpful.

If it is not a valid Pandas element removed and use a valid Pandas function.

import snowflake.snowpark.modin.pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "Age": [25, 30, 35],
        "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"],


Scenario 2


Below is an example of an element that was added in a Pandas version that the SMA does not yet support.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "Age": [25, 30, 35],
        "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"],



Since the element was added in a Pandas version that the tool does not support yet, the tool adds the EWI on the output code.

import snowflake.snowpark.modin.pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "Age": [25, 30, 35],
        "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"],

#EWI: PNDSPY1003 => pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.valid_function_since_x.x.x_version is not yet recognized

Recommended fix

Please verify the Snowpark Pandas documentation, if it is a valid Pandas element, please report that you encountered a conversion error on that particular element using the Report an Issue option in the SMA and include any additional information that you think may be helpful.

Scenario 3


Below is an example of an internal error of the SMA when processing the element.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "Age": [25, 30, 35],
        "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"],



If it was an error while processing the element and that cause the tool can't recognize, the tool adds the EWI on the output code.

import snowflake.snowpark.modin.pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "Age": [25, 30, 35],
        "City": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago"],

#EWI: PNDSPY1003 => pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.valid_function is not yet recognized

Recommended fix

Verify if the element exists in the Pandas documentation and also check the Snowpark Pandas documentation. If it is a valid Pandas element, please report that you encountered a conversion error on that particular element using the Report an Issue option in the SMA and include any additional information that you think may be helpful.

Additional recommendations

  • For more support, you can email us at or post an issue in the SMA. If you have a contract for support with Snowflake, reach out to your sales engineer, and they can direct your support needs.

Last updated