Element has a direct mapping, but it's restricted to running on a single node. As a result, performance may be impacted, especially with large datasets.

Message: Pandas < element > has a direct mapping, but it's restricted to running on a single node. As a result, performance may be impacted, especially with large datasets.

Category: Warning.


This issue appears when the SMA detects the use of a Pandas element that has a direct equivalent in Snowpark Pandas, but it's restricted to running on a single node, so it's performance may be impacted.



Below is an example of a method that runs on a single node.

import pandas as pd

ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 3])
ser.plot(kind='hist', title="My plot")


The SMA adds the EWI PNDSPY1004 on the output code to let you know that this element is running on a single node, and it's performance may be impacted.

import snowflake.snowpark.modin.pandas as pd

ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 3])
#EWI: PNDSPY1004 => pandas.core.series.Series.plot has a direct mapping, but it's restricted to running on a single node. As a result, performance may be impacted,
especially with large datasets.
ser.plot(kind='hist', title="My plot")

Recommended fix

Since this is a generic error code that applies to a range of partial supported functions, there is not recommended fix.

Additional recommendations

Last updated