The format of the reader on DataFrameReader method chaining is not one of the defined by Snowpark.

Message: Reader format on DataFrameReader method chaining can't be defined

Category: Warning


This issue appears when the SMA detects that format of the reader in DataFrameReader method chaining is not one of the following supported for Snowpark: avro, csv, json, orc, parquet and xml. Therefore, the SMA can not determine if setting options are defined or not.



Below is an example of DataFrameReader method chaining where SMA can determine the format of reader.

                 .option("query", s"select * from $tableName")


The SMA adds the EWI SPRKSCL1165 to the output code to let you know that format of the reader can not be determine in the giving DataFrameReader method chaining.

/*EWI: SPRKSCL1165 => Reader format on DataFrameReader method chaining can't be defined*/
spark.read.option("query", s"select * from $tableName")

Recommended fix

Check the Snowpark documentation here to get more information about format of the reader.

Additional recommendations

Last updated