In this section you could find information about the select query syntax and its convertions.
Some parts in the output codes are omitted for clarity reasons.
Overall Select Translation
Simple select
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_01.sql
select*from table1;select col1 from schema1.table1;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_01.sql
select*fromtable1;select col1 fromschema1.table1;
Where clause
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_02.sql
select col1 from schema1.table1 WHERE col1 =1and id >0or id <1;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_02.sql
select col1 fromschema1.table1WHERE col1 =1and id >0or id <1;
Order By clause
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_03.sql
select col1 from schema1.table1 order by id ASC;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_03.sql
select col1 fromschema1.table1order by id ASC;
Group by
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_04.sql
select col1 from schema1.table1 GROUP BY id;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_04.sql
select col1 fromschema1.table1GROUP BY id;
Model Clause
The model clause is not supported yet.
Row Limiting Clause
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_05.sql
-- Using ONLYselect*from TableFetch1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 FETCH FIRST 20 percent ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 order by col1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS with ties;select*from TableFetch1 order by col1 FETCH FIRST 20 percent ROWS with ties;-- Using OFFSET clauseselect*from TableFetch1 offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 60 percent rows ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 order by col1 offset 2rows FETCH NEXT 2 ROWs with ties;select*from TableFetch1 order by col1 offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 60 percent ROWs with ties;-- Using WITH TIES clauseselect*from TableFetch1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS with ties;select*from TableFetch1 FETCH FIRST 20 percent ROWS with ties;select*from TableFetch1 offset 2rows FETCH NEXT 2 ROWs with ties;select*from TableFetch1 offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 60 percent ROWs with ties;-- Using ORDER BY clauseselect*from TableFetch1 order by col1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 order by col1 FETCH FIRST 20 percent ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 order by col1 offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 order by col1 offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 60 percent ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 FETCH FIRST ROWS ONLY;select*from TableFetch1 offset 2rows;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_05.sql
-- Using ONLYselect*fromTableFetch1FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BYNULL) -1) / COUNT(*) OVER () <20/100;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFYRANK() OVER (order by col1) <=2;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(RANK() OVER (order by col1) -1) / COUNT(*) OVER () <20/100;-- Using OFFSET clauseselect*fromTableFetch1offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BYNULL) -1-2) / COUNT(*) OVER () <60/100LIMIT NULL OFFSET 2;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFYRANK() OVER (order by col1) -2<=2LIMIT NULL OFFSET 2;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(RANK() OVER (order by col1) -1-2) / COUNT(*) OVER () <60/100LIMIT NULL OFFSET 2;-- Using WITH TIES clauseselect*fromTableFetch1FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BYNULL) -1) / COUNT(*) OVER () <20/100;select*fromTableFetch1offset 2rows FETCH NEXT 2 ROWS ONLY;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BYNULL) -1-2) / COUNT(*) OVER () <60/100LIMIT NULL OFFSET 2;-- Using ORDER BY clauseselect*fromTableFetch1order by col1FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by col1) -1) / COUNT(*) OVER () <20/100;select*fromTableFetch1order by col1 offset 2rows FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY;select*fromTableFetch1QUALIFY(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by col1) -1-2) / COUNT(*) OVER () <60/100LIMIT NULL OFFSET 2;select*fromTableFetch1FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY;select*fromTableFetch1LIMIT NULL OFFSET 2;
In Oracle, the FETCH / OFFSET WITH TIES is ignored when no ORDER BY is specified in the SELECT. This case will be transformed to a FETCH / OFFSET with the ONLY keyword in Snowflake, please note that in Snowflake the ONLY keyword has no effect in the results and is used just for readability.
Snowflake does not support the following statements:
- Rename columns
- Multiple Columns
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_06.sql
select*from schema1.table1PIVOT(count(*) as count1 FOR (column1, column2) IN (row1 as rowName));
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_06.sql
select*fromschema1.table1!!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0015 - PIVOT/UNPIVOT RENAME COLUMN NOT SUPPORTED ***/!!!!!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0015 - PIVOT/UNPIVOT MULTIPLE COLUMN NOT SUPPORTED ***/!!!!!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0015 - PIVOT/UNPIVOT RENAME COLUMN NOT SUPPORTED ***/!!!PIVOT (count(*) FOR (column1, column2) IN ( row1));
Snowflake does not support the following statements:
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_07.sql
select*from schema1.table1 UNPIVOT INCLUDE NULLS (column1 FOR column2 IN (ANY, ANY));
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_07.sql
select*fromschema1.table1!!!RESOLVE EWI!!! /*** SSC-EWI-0015 - PIVOT/UNPIVOT INCLUDE NULLS NOT SUPPORTED ***/!!!UNPIVOT ( column1 FOR column2 IN (ANY,ANY));
Transformation of JOIN (+) to ANSI Syntax
This translation is currently deactivated and it's only meant for reference for translations done with previous versions of SnowConvert. For the current translation check the section above.
SnowConvert translates the NON-ANSI special outer join (+) syntax to ANSI outer join syntax. This subsection shows some examples:
Example 1:
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_08.sql
-- Additional Params: --OuterJoinsToOnlyAnsiSyntaxSELECT d.department_name, e.employee_name FROM departments d, employees eWHERE d.department_id = e.department_id (+) AND d.department_id >=30;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_08.sql
SELECT d.department_name, e.employee_nameFROM departments d LEFT OUTER JOIN employees eON d.department_id = e.department_idWHERE d.department_id >=30;
Example 2:
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_09.sql
-- Additional Params: --OuterJoinsToOnlyAnsiSyntaxSELECT d.department_name, e.employee_name FROM departments d, employees eWHERE d.department_id(+) = e.department_id AND d.department_id >=30;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_09.sql
SELECT d.department_name, e.employee_nameFROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN departments dON d.department_id = e.department_idWHERE d.department_id >=30;
SELECT d.department_name, e.employee_nameFROM departments d LEFT OUTER JOIN employees eON e.department_id = d.department_id LEFT OUTER JOIN projects pON p.department_id = d.department_idWHERE d.department_id >=30;
Example 4: Join with other kinds of conditional
Input Code:
IN -> Oracle_11.sql
-- Additional Params: --OuterJoinsToOnlyAnsiSyntaxSELECT d.department_name, e.employee_name FROM departments d, employees eWHERE d.department_id(+) = e.department_id AND d.location(+) IN ('CHICAGO', 'BOSTON', 'NEW YORK')AND d.department_id >=30;
Output Code:
OUT -> Oracle_11.sql
SELECT d.department_name, e.employee_nameFROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN departments dON d.department_id = e.department_id AND d.location IN ('CHICAGO', 'BOSTON', 'NEW YORK')WHERE d.department_id >=30;