Import Statements

Transformed import statement sample:

A Pyspark import statement with equivalence to Snowpark can be directly transformed by the Conversion Tool.

Input Code:

from pyspark.sql.dataframe import DataFrame

Output Code:

from snowflake.snowpark.dataframe import DataFrame

Non transformed import statement sample:

A Pyspark import statement with no equivalence to Snowpark can not be transformed by the Conversion Tool, so it proceeds as follows:

  1. The tool generates an EWI based on the specific issue.

  2. The non-transformed line code is changed to a commented line.

  3. The Conversion Tool replaces the statement with a keyword: “pass.”

Input Code:

from pyspark.sql.catalog.Catalog import dropGlobalTempView

Output Code:

#EWI: SPRKPY1002 => pyspark.sql.catalog.Catalog.dropGlobalTempView is not supported
#from pyspark.sql.catalog.Catalog import dropGlobalTempView

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