LIKE Predicate


The LIKE predicate searches for strings that have a certain pattern. The pattern is specified by a string in which the underscore and the percent sign may have special meanings. Trailing blanks in a pattern are part of the pattern.

LIKE Predicate is functionally equivalent to Snowflake.

Click here to navigate to the IBM DB2 docs page for this syntax.

Grammar Syntax

Sample Source Patterns


insert into like_ex values
    ('John  Dddoe'),
    ('Joe   Doe'),
    ('Joe down'),
    (''),    -- empty string
select * from like_ex where subject like '%Jo%oe%';
select * from like_ex where subject like '%J%h%^_do%' escape '^';
select * from like_ex where subject not like 'John%';
select * from like_ex where subject not like '';


select * from like_ex where subject like '%Jo%oe%';
select * from like_ex where subject like '%J%h%^_do%' escape '^';
select * from like_ex where subject not like 'John%';
select * from like_ex where subject not like '';

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