Supported Platforms
The destination is Snowflake and the source is...
Supported Platforms
The Snowpark Migration Accelerator (SMA) is currently available for the following source languages:
The SMA will scan both code files and notebook files for references to the Spark API and other third party APIs. (See Supported Filetypes to learn more about which file types can be scanned by the SMA.)
The SMA can also scan for SQL Elements present in certain files in a codebase. Currently, the SMA supports SQL written in:
Spark SQL
Hive QL
Note that conversion is limited for SQL though there is high compatibility between Spark SQL and Snowflake SQL. SQL elements are accounted for in the object inventories. See Readiness Scores to see if there's a Readiness Score available for SQL.
Are you looking for a new platform? Please get in touch with us and let us know.
Last updated