pyspark.context.SparkContext.setLogLevel has workaround
This issue appears when the tool detects the usage of pyspark.context.SparkContext.setLogLevel which has a workaround.
Input code:
Output code:
setLogLevel(self, logLevel: str) -> None
Action: Replace the "setLogLevel" function usage with "logging.basicConfig" that provides a set of convenience functions for simple logging usage. In order to use it, we need to import two modules, "logging" and "sys", and the level constant should be replaced using the "Level equivalent table":
Level equivalent table
Level source parameter | Level target parameter |
"ALL" | This has no equivalent |
"DEBUG" | logging.DEBUG |
"ERROR" | logging.ERROR |
"FATAL" | logging.CRITICAL |
"INFO" | logging.INFO |
"OFF" | logging.NOTSET |
"TRACE" | This has no equivalent |
"WARN" | logging.WARNING |
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Last updated